The already hard-pressed taxabranche has been hit by a new problem.

too many drivers speak no proper English, even though the law requires it.

that is Why a broad majority among the political parties now ensure that the taxi drivers actually have the language skills, the law requires.

– I have experienced to be kicked out of a taxi, because I did not want even to type the address into the driver’s telephone. It is not my job.

How does it sound from the Danish people’s party transportordfører Kim Christiansen, who refers to the problem as ‘huge’ and are at the forefront in the fight for better English in the wagons.

– the Bulk of the new driver card, which being given, is to drivers, who may not be an understandable Danish.

– If you are Danish at a reasonable level. If not you can spell Tordenskjoldsgade, or where I should now go, so you just need to not drive the taxi, he says.

Specifically, put the politicians up to the fact that the schools that train drivers, will be put under better control.

– Since the new taxalov is a requirement that you have to have Danish language skills description corresponded to the Danish language test two, the same as to get a citizenship, so is there anything that suggests that schools are cheating on the weight and lets the people get rid of easy through, says Kim Christiansen.

From the minister for transport mr Ole Birk Olesen(LA) saith it, that Færdselsstyrelsen rightly observed that it is lagging with new graduates taxachaufførers language. It has been detected by the supervision in the schools. Therefore, the schools have been instructed to do it better, just as they will be kept extra in the ears in 2019. But taxaselskaberne must also take care together, he believes.

– I’m happy with that Færdselsstyrelsen now takes care of the problem. In addition, I could wish that the industry itself took hold of the problem and of their own accord tried to live up to the customers ‘ legitimate expectations, says Ole Birk Olesen to Ekstra Bladet.


Taxaformand: They pull us down

It goes out over the rest of the industry, when some drivers can’t speak proper English, believe brancheformand Thomas Wiigh Larsen. Photo: Mogens Flindt

At the trade association Taxiførere in Denmark (Time) is president of the Thomas Wiigh Larsen extremely dissatisfied with the fact that many of his new colleagues do not understand and speak proper Danish.

– With the new liberal taxalov will be opened up for god and every man. It is a growing problem, he says.

Extra Blade catches him on the phone, while he does his job as a taxi driver. He is the hauler for herself and owns her own cart. Employees can no longer pay to have of economic reasons, he explains.

– Many of the new know nothing about driving a taxi. And they speak even the language, or as a minimum just English.

– It is quite clear that it goes beyond us, who knows what service is about. They drag us down with it. It is of great frustration, that it works in this way, he says.

On the schools, who can look forward to tighter supervision, he says:

– It works as a pengefabrik, there must be a lot of people through.

Dantaxi introduces test: A new problem.

At Dantaxi 4×48 recognises the head of Rasmus Krochin, that drivers with poor Danish language skills is a growing problem.

this is Why the company is in the process of implementing an internal certificate for job applicants. Like the company already has had to reject job applicants because they do not speak the language well enough.

– It is a problem that has come within the last time, he says, and continues:

– We recommend that the supervision of the course providers (which trains taxi drivers, red.) will be better.

– Due to the poor knowledge of Danish is not just that taxi companies are too greedy? It is difficult to get good drivers in a boom, where people expect a decent wage?

– It is not my impression. Through the various business cycles over the last several years, so I think more, it is a problem that has occurred here in the later time.

– But could not guarantee better quality, if they got a better wage?

– It is determined by negotiations between the hauler and the driver on the wages and working conditions. It is not something Dantaxi 4×48 have part of the. It falls under the self-employed road hauliers.

– But could work for, that drivers got more to run in the taxis with your name on the page?

– They must of course have a fair salary. There, it is also about making the product better for the customers, such that there will be more trips and thus more revenue for the driver, says Rasmus Krochin.


taxi drivers: It is a big problem

None of the taxi drivers, as Ekstra Bladet spoke with on Monday afternoon, had no desire to stand forth with their criticism of the colleagues, of whom not all speak good enough English. The drivers agreed that it goes beyond the level of service, when the language is not mastered properly. Photo: Olivia Loftlund

Snakkelysten about the language barrier – and the accompanying serviceproblemer – among a group of copenhagen taxi drivers were on Monday afternoon big. Right up until Extra the Magazine’s photographer took the camera back.

No one had a mind to put name and image for their criticism of the colleagues in the industry for fear of subsequent harassment.

in General, however, there was broad consensus that danskkundskaberne in this location should be better.

When I started to drive the taxi in 1980, you would have to master the Danish language, having knowledge of the city and be helpful. Today is no need of those three things, it said, among other things from one driver, while another veteran behind the wheel said:

– After the new taxalov came into force last year, will be granted many permits to people who can’t a word English. But what if it is a child that needs to be run somewhere? And many older people can nor does any other language. It ends up in long detours, when you don’t have a clue as to what the customer says.