According to a recent report from the norskstøttede israeli menneskerettsorganisasjonen B’Tselem was 290 palestinians killed by israeli security forces in the last year, 254 of them in the gaza strip.

Among those killed there were 55 children, and 47 of these were killed in the gaza strip. The youngest was only four years.

– These events are a direct result of Israel’s ruthless policies, which is authorized by the government and the military leadership, and that the judiciary supports, switch B’Tselem fixed.

as long As Israel sticks to this policy, despite the predictable outcome, will the number of victims to rise, turn menneskerettsorganisasjonen fixed.

Unarmed protesters

the Palestinians on the gaza strip since march last year, held weekly demonstrations near the heavily guarded grensegjerdet against Israel.

Israeli marksmen along the border have shot with sharp against the unarmed protesters, and several thousand are, according to the Un nødhjelpskontor OCHA hit, many of the several hundred meters range.

190 palestinians have been killed during such demonstrations, 34 of them children, among them a four years old, and three elleveåringer, according to B’Tselem.

the International criticism,

Health care workers and journalists are also among those killed, and Israel has received sharp international criticism for maktbruken.

– It is unacceptable to shoot with sharply against the protesters, beating foreign minister Ine Eriksen Søreide (H) fixed in april of last year.

– Specifically the use of live ammunition should be subject to an independent and open investigation, beating the Eu utenrikssjef Federica Mogherini fixed.

Un secretary-general António Guterres has also demanded independent investigation, and so has Amnesty International.

israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rejected the claim and the criticism.

– Good working of our soldiers, was his answer.

war crimes

the Organization Defense for Children International–Palestine (DCIP) delivered recently a 57 pages long report in which they conclude that israeli soldaters the killing of unarmed children on the gaza strip are war crimes.

Rapporen is prepared in cooperation the City University of New York and is handed over to the granskingskommisjonen which was established by the united nations menneskerettsråd in may of last year.

According to the DCIP were 56 palestinian children killed by israeli forces in the past year, 45 of them in the gaza strip.

– DCIP has been able to determine that an overwhelming majority of them did not constitute any immediate danger to the israeli forces, said the report.

B’Tselem characterizes also the israeli security force against unarmed palestinian protesters, among them many minors, as “illegal and immoral” and maintains that the majority of those killed posed no threat to the heavily armed soldiers along the border.

– Necessary force

Israeli authorities maintain that the maktbruken have been necessary to prevent the protesters from taking over the border and carry out violent actions inside Israel.

Several palestinians were also killed in israeli air raids on the gaza strip, among them a pregnant woman, her baby and two 14-year-olds, according to B’Tselem.

Six civilian israelis were killed in palestinian attacks in the occupied west bank in 2018, and a pregnant woman who was wounded, lost the fetus she carried on.

Seven israeli soldiers were killed in the attack, five on the west bank, during an operation inside the gaza strip and one that was shot by a palestinian sniper at the border between Gaza and Israel.