“New approach: the Killers uses a gps transmitter to find its victim.”

“the Circle of nine persons prosecuted”

“When a series of shootings have the perpetrators used a new approach and placed spårsändare in their victims’ cars.”

“In Gothenburg, the police have found five different transmitter – and have since been able to dial in a circle of suspects.”

“Three teenage girls are now among the nine defendants for a completed and a planned murder in Gothenburg.”

“At three meters away, began the masked killer shoot full auto with a kalashnikov. “

“The 32-year-old man in the driver’s seat was pierced by a hail of bullets. The police could afterwards count to eleven bullet holes in the car and 17 spent cartridges on the ground.”

“the Murder occurred in Guldheden in Gothenburg on may 20.”

“the Police secured immediately in a variety of important tracks, but one of the finds did not come until six weeks later. When the police technician jacked up the car, they found a black object attached to the bottom with magnets. The subject sat at the rear suspension and almost impossible to detect if the vehicle has been on the reels. “

“The little black box turned out to be a spårsändare, a so-called gps-puck.”

‘ Sends sms with the position.”

“A gps-puck is connected with a mobile phone. Through the phone, it is possible to see where the current puck location. The technology used to trace stolen boats. But in the summer of 2018, they began to pop up in a number of murder cases, the police huge investigation. “

“the Police found the pucks during the mordoffers cars, and their intended victims found themselves pucks in their own cars. According to Aftonbladet’s information, there have been several firings even in Stockholm last time.”

“What the perpetrators might not thought of is that traffic between the puck and the phone leaves digital traces – going to unravel in retrospect.”

“In Guldheden is the case could the police trace a supply of 30 pucks from China that went to a person in Gothenburg, sweden. “

“Teenage girls accused”

“a Total of nine people were indicted last week for murder and another planned murder in Gothenburg. The intended victims in the latter case, it found the gps puck itself as well as on an additional car when it was in the workshop. This is after they have been attacked but survived.”

“Among the accused are three teenage girls, one of them, 17 years, is charged with murder along with his 20-year-old boyfriend. “

“With the help of surveillance cameras, their cell phones and others’ testimony, the police have mapped out their movements at the time around the murder of Guldheden. Weapons and ammunition are also among the seizures.”

“Troubling evidence about the targeted assassination”

“the Prosecutor claims that the girls helped to carry the weapon in a blue Ikea bag. Weapons and clothing were stored in a locker at the central station in Gothenburg.”

“In Guldheden-case according to the indictment of a targeted assassination. The 17-year-old girl and her boyfriend got an envelope with payment the day after. It would contain ”100 salmon”. But it was only 50 000 crowns, because the current weapon is not submitted back. “

“Among the evidence is a mobilbild where one of the girls counting the thick stack of banknotes.”

“When they received the money was the main suspects the pair and bought expensive clothes at NK Herrkonfektion. Övervakningsbilder and receipts showing how they bought three pieces and a pair of shoes for a total of close to sek 15 000, which they paid in cash.”

“Both deny the crime. The boyfriend be prosecuted also for the preparation to further a murder and rape against children when he according to the survey, had sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old girl. All the accused are in the age group of 16-20 years and the majority are resident in the Stockholm area.”

“the Trial begins in the next month and is expected to last for ten weeks.”