“Sweden will burn – we are not ready”

“Listen to the firemen: ”Financial derision””

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“in the Summer of 2018 hit Sweden of 300 forest fires. 25 000 hectares burned, a column of smoke stood like menacing giants in ten counties.”

” Generally we have a good emergency preparedness, said the person in charge minister Morgan Johansson (S) to the radio.”

“Why have you not learned from the fire in 2014?” wonders a firefighter who served in the Västmanland county.”

“”Sleep as little as possible ‘”

“It is a bad omen for the future. Global warming means that heat waves like the one we experienced in summer will become more common, according to researchers. It means more droughts, more eldningsförbud and a fire department that must be on your toes.”

“The government wants to fix the problem at the national level can be grateful to the survey, of the 600 firefighters are not in the least unclear about what is required now.”

“It’s about a lack of people, so that in some parts of the country could not even work in shifts. “Work as much as you can, sleep as little as possible”, as a firefighter in the county describes it. “

“Several complains to the fire’s devastation had become less significant if you had more people on the site at an early stage. Once the eldhavet was a fact it was in many places too dangerous to fight it, then needed the help of the flight. Several want that government should take on to boost up the civil deltidsorganisation. “The problem with recruitment is based in an almost economically taunt against those who want to work in the profession,” says a firefighter in Västernorrland county, sweden.”

“Where there were willing hands, so was the equipment. The MSB of the containers that were empty. Archaic gear. “We have to live with equipment from the 60’s,” says a fireman in the county of Västerbotten.”

“No one can this better than those who tore in the front against the fires, and the willingness to take on the challenges ahead. Many firefighters in the survey, expressing pride in the joint operation in the summer, and gratitude over the way the civilian set up. “

“the Swedish fire service is superb. But they need to be able to do their job.”