“With a fool’s stubbornness keeps the May firm on their agreement,”

“With a madman’s tenacity continues Theresa May to try to press the EU to renegotiate the brexitavtalet.”

“She has already been refused several times. Still, she tries again.”

“Her plan B is no plan.”

“This was the day when the british prime minister would present a plan B after the humiliating defeat when her brexitavtal was voted down in parliament last week.”

“But, so much new, it does not contain. The question is if it can even be called a plan. Rather, plan B is to try plan a again.”

“While the clock inexorably ticking down to the march 29, when the united kingdom according to the law which now must leave the EU refuses May to hear whether the signals coming from the EU or from the british parliament. With a stubbornness that bordered on obsession, she runs her rejected agreement on.”

“Last week, she assured that she is not trying to let time run away so as not to have anything else to choose from than a crash out of the EU without an agreement or approve the agreement she has negotiated. Yet it is difficult to resist the feeling that this is exactly what she is doing.”

“The only other interpretation is that she herself can propose the compromises necessary to get to a brexit as a majority of the parliament can accept. Thus run she on to the abyss to force the parliament to prevent a avtalslös crash. So that she won’t have to yourself.”

“May it seems be more important to save his own party than to avoid an economic disaster for the country. The hard-line brexitanhängarna has threatened to break from the Tories and form a new party in the case May go with a softer brexit or a second referendum. At the same time as a majority in this parliament refuses to approve ”

“May is simply cornered between a range of conflicting interests.nEU and May have for several months tried to find a long-term solution that ensures that goods and people can flow freely between ireland and northern Ireland, despite the fact that Ireland in the future will be in the EUROPEAN union while northern Ireland is part of Britain will leave. The fear is that the old political conflict between catholics and protestants in northern Ireland otherwise, shall be brought to a new life.”

“Bilbombattacken in Londonderry in northern Ireland at the weekend shows how sensitive the situation still is.”

“The so-called our backup plan is going is a second-best solution precisely because these negotiations failed. To believe that May or someone else would suddenly find a miracle solution that is acceptable to both parties is wishful thinking in the higher school. May think May that the EU will only engage in negotiation tactics and will give in to the threat that the british leave without a contract.”

“It is not enough that Poland now, breaking the unity of the EU and say that our backup plan is going should have a time limit of five years. Should something change, you must all 27 EU countries to agree.”

“Directly after the brakförlusten last week promised May to listen to the opposition views in order to see what type of brexit it could be a majority for in parliament. Her plan B, however, gives no impression of to May listening. Other than that, she promises to involve parliament more in the future negotiations with the EU on a trade agreement. Negotiations will be of the first when a utträdesavtal approved.”

“Now, this parliament is trying instead to force on her a straitjacket in brexitfrågan by putting forward a number of amendments on which parliament will vote on the 29 January to say yes or no to her plan B.”

“One of these proposals is to shoot the forward brexit to the end of the year, requesting more time by the EU.”

“The EU’s 27 countries have said that they are prepared to give the british more time if there is a strategic plan for how the government intends to use this time. For example, by holding a second referendum on the brexit.”

“But one of the few clear ideas May gave when she introduced the plan B was that she did not think that there is no majority in the parliament for a new referendum.”