JÆREN (Dagbladet): Outside the Time church on the Jæren shines the sun over the green and rural surroundings. Already one hour before funeral services were to start, was the church about to be filled up.

All have met up this January day to say goodbye to Mary Ueland. And with familiehunden Alf Herman is present to take a last farewell. On the first row, he sits quiet together with the immediate family.

The old church is full of flowers, and much reflects the Uelands love for the outdoors. This was also evident in the speeches.

DOG: Here is Mary Ueland pictured together with leonbergeren Alf Herman, which is present in the church. Photo: Private Show more – You are still with me

You hated to be the centerpiece and highlight yourself. In september 2017 I had the pleasure of being really well-known with you. We knew then that we had a kind of soulmate in each other, ” says Marens studievenninne, Carol Nome, in his speech.

she tells us that She has seen a lot of pictures the last few weeks, and the joints and the gray. She talks about that many believed both she and Maren had poor humor, but they both agreed that it was everyone else who had the poor sense of humor.

– You were totally unique. Your chair at the kitchen table is empty, but you are still with me. You and I were no klemmere, but in return we were good at telling each other what we meant for each other, ” says studievenninna, and adds:

I was almost envious of you. You had a creativity, and everything you tried, you got to. You were a wonderful turvenninne. You were there, you got the very best.

FINE WORDS: Sokneprest Stone Odegaard came with many fine words during the funeral services for Mary Ueland in a full Time church. Photo: Pål Christensen / Stavanger Aftenblad Show more – To remind Maren

the Memory of Maren to have good place today. We are many who take part in leave-taking. The family who have lost more than words can separate, friends and fellow students. A whole nation is affected by something that is not going to happen one of our, say sokneprest Stone Odegaard to a full Time church.

– Marens memory is important, and a counterweight and a luminous contrast to how her life ended in Morocco, continues the priest.

– She lived impulsively and targeted at the same time. No materialist, much an idealist. She would be something for others, for people in utenforskap should get on its feet and ready themselves.

He describes Mary Ueland as a an avid outdoors person, and a person who cared about others. She was also artistic, which she had from her mother.

Louisa buried. – This has hit us all – Said no to a A4-life

– On behalf of all the close family I get to draw this minneportrettet of Mary: Ever since she was small she was taken with out in nature. There was a lot of Marens life that went from the cautious and shy, into a lively, adventurous and mature woman. She showed the force when she said no to a A4 – life. She went on to live an independent life with their own values, ” says the priest.

Nature was growing stronger and stronger for Maren. It showed respect, gave unison, she found peace. It was exciting. The family is fervently proud Mary, which was so small but also so big and brave. Killers would use her for their cause, Maren its value was to see individuals, and not spread the hate, but hope. It can be the good memory of Maren used.

It was sang during the funeral services of Jan Ingvar Toft, Maren Ueland was a big supporter of. The songs in the church relate to her children and youth.

Sokneprest Stone Odegaard refers to all the support that has come from Morocco, and the community, and how important it has been.

– Love will prevail, not hatred. It is time to lift up the good, not fear. To light a candle in the dark, ” says Ødegård and shows, among others, to king Harald of norway nyttårstale.

FOND OF OUTDOOR activities: the Church is full of flowers, and much reflects the Uelands love for the outdoors. Photo: Pål Christensen / Stavanger Aftenblad View more High: – Feel with you

Bent High is present in the church as the representative of the government. He says that he feels with the family.

When some one is happy in the packages bag and go travelling, know a sliver of fear that something will happen. So shake one of them rusty. The evil that happens in the world affects us not. The last clip was the last one, the evil happened to Maren. Bad things can happen to anyone, even if we are a fit. You have experienced the worst. We can’t relieve the grief, but we can make sure together with you, ” says High.

He adds that even though many people didn’t know Mary Ueland, feel enough many that she was one of “us”.

Norway is small and the world is small. Many mourn over the Maren in many countries. I hope you know on this in the heavy time.

Furthermore, showing the Bent Height of an image of Mary that are taken in the countryside, where she is holding a mushroom in your hand.

– WILL REMEMBER HER: Bent Tall showed this picture during his speech in the church. Photo: Private Show more

– That’s how I’m going to remember her, and that is certainly the way many others are going to remember her. What happened with Maren must not lead with fear. We must continue to climb in the mountains and paddle the students, so She did.

The moroccan ambassador, Lamia Radi, says that no words can ever undo the tragedy that happened to Maren. She apologize to the family on behalf of the moroccan people.

I stand here today to express grief in the moroccan nation.

– Something died in us. We must not let the terrorists win ” Plus Several tags,

Mary Ueland and venninna Louisa Vesterager Jespersen (24) was killed when they were on the mountain in Imlil in Morocco in December. Vesterager Jespersen was the previous Saturday, buried from the Fonnesbæk church, on the Jutland peninsula.

The two women studied together at the University in South-eastern Norway, in Bø, and both passed the second year of a bachelorprogram in outdoor activities – “turn and naturveiledning.

the Killings shook Norway, Morocco and Vesterager Jespersens home country, Denmark. It has been held more ceremonies and a torchlight procession to commemorate the two.

In a selection of Whetstone square in the end of December, attended by among others, both family and friends of the murdered 28-year-old.

a Total of 22 people are now charged with being implicated in the killing, which is referred to as a terrorist attack. After the Dagbladet has been informed in Morocco, ruled out it’s not that more persons will be arrested and charged in the weeks to come. The investigation is ongoing, and is expected to take several months.

– this affects not only us but a whole world