For more climate protection in the transport speaks of a government Commission on proposals such as speed limits on motorways, higher diesel taxes and a quota for electric cars. It is, however, a first proposal, “with no Preconceptions connected”, as it says in the paper from the beginning of December. The German press Agency. The catalogue of ideas will serve as a “first orientation”, as the traffic could be a target for the Saving of carbon dioxide (CO2) by 2030. The effect of other measures will be calculated.

The “mirror” had reported that the working group for the climate protection within the “National platform for future mobility” wool to propose a speed limit of 130 kilometres per hour and higher taxes on Diesel. “The above measures are taken from a working paper from the December and are completely incoherent and striking out has been pulled”, was on Friday from the Commission.

In the paper it specifically to Considerations about a Neuzulassungs quota for electric Cars in Germany and the transformation of the energy taxes. So it could be of 2021 first, an approximation of the Diesel and gasoline tax and from 2023 a gradual increase. An idea is also a speed limit of 130 kilometers per hour on the car – it seems more than questionable whether the policy would implement such an unpopular measure, really.

The Federal Ministry of transport, said that the Federal government had used four months ago, the “National platform for future mobility”. Ideas, the experts gathered in the working groups, be advised that it is “neither, agreed or decided”. Under the well known “first thoughts were debates-games” to climate protection in the transport contributions, “are neither socially nor economically”.

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concept by the end of March

The climate protection working group, which had originally been until the end of 2018, suggestions, want to submit a concept should be up by the end of March. Background the climate protection targets of the German government until 2030 for the different sectors, such as energy, buildings and transport. The CO2 emissions in the transport is not decreased in the past few years.

In the Commission of representatives of different interests, including IG Metall, the ADAC, the German industrial Association BDI, the auto Association VDA, Volkswagen, Deutsche Bahn, the Association of cities and environmental organisations such as Nabu and FEDERAL seats. In the discussions, it is not about social issues – for example, a burden on lower and middle incomes.

Considerations encounter resulted in criticism

Already the well known first Considerations from the working group for the protests. FDP parliamentary group Deputy Frank Sitta was speaking of a transport – and climate policy unreasonable: “According to the absurd Diesel-driving a General speed limit, the duty rates for electric cars and significant tax is now prohibited increases to follow. Thus, the mobility in Germany is even more expensive.“ Union group Vice-Ulrich Long said the “Rheinische Post” (Saturday): “The proposal of a speed limit on motorways, I think, is misleading.”

the focus of the Public, other government Commission, and the Commission on “growth, structural change and employment in the past”. The Board shall draw up, no later than the beginning of February, there was a concept of a gradual phase-out of climate-damaging coal-fired power generation. It should also be concrete proposals for structural change in the affected regions.

CO2 emissions rose

unlike in the energy sector, but is on the market in the past few years, when emissions of the greenhouse gas emissions, very little happens – on the contrary. More cars, higher performance and stronger engines have ensured that the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), the rise in the car traffic even more. According to surveys of the Federal Statistical office, the car traffic in Germany to 2017 was the last year for the Emission of 115 million tons of CO2 were 6.4 percent more than in 2010. The had communicated to the authority in November last year.

During the deliberations of the transport-climate Commission, it’s not just about CO2-savings in the car – but, for example, the strengthening of public transport and of Cycling and Walking, as well as a Tank and loading the car infrastructure for alternative powertrains at last. There are also contain suggestions on how the Rail can be strengthened, so that more people require from the car.

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climate protection in the traffic environment help examine the opportunities for a speed limit of 120 on highways

“Since 1990, the traffic comes in the area of climate protection on the spot,” said Greenpeace transport expert, Tobias Austrup. The residue could not be with the Pitter-patter of footsteps to catch up. By 2025, the conclusion would have to be with a new climate-damaging combustion engines. Green party Vice Oliver Krischer called for a CO2-emissions-oriented taxation. (dpa)