Log President trump’s Ex-lawyer Cohen in front of the Congress out of loyalty to him? Or is it because Trump demanded it of him? The latter Version includes a U.S. media report that creates excitement.

U.S. Democrats demand an explanation over a report of the “Buzzfeed News”, according to President Donald Trump, his longtime lawyer, Michael Cohen, to lie before the Congress asked.

The Democrat Adam Schiff said that the allegations are so far the most serious against the President. “We will do what is necessary to find out whether they are true,” said the Chairman of the intelligence Committee in the house of representatives. The democratic Deputy, JoaquĆ­n Castro brought impeachment into the game. The former democratic attorney General Eric Holder said the same thing.

Trump accused Cohen, he lie to reduce his prison sentence. Also his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani introduced since Cohen as a liar.

The TV channel Fox News White-house-spokesman Hogan Gridley said, the “BuzzFeed”story was “absolutely ridiculous”. On repeated questioning he refused, however, to deny the Central accusation that Trump Cohen instructed to lie to the Congress. One of the interviewers, said: “it was not a denial to my question.”

lie been told

“Buzzfeed”, Cohen told the special investigator Robert Mueller, Trump got him to lie personally instructed to, in order to disguise his involvement. The Team of the special investigator I know from the testimonies of witnesses from the Trump organization, as well as through E-Mails, text messages and other documents from the statement.

Since their world was still in order: Trump and his then attorney Cohen in September 2016.

In the report of “Buzzfeed” is about the planned construction of a Trump tower in Moscow, which came in the end. Cohen had granted in November, to have the Congress in this matter, under oath, lied to. He explained in court, to have until approximately June 2016, and is trying to get permission from the Russian authorities for the construction project. His efforts were so in the critical Phase of Trumps election campaign, while the emerged the businessman as the candidate of the Republicans.

Cohen had given in November before the court that he had lied out of loyalty to Trump. He cooperates in the Russia affair, with special investigator Mueller, to investigate whether there was the alleged Attempt of Russian influence the U.S. presidential election in 2016, the collusion between the Trump camp and representatives of Russia and whether Trump has been hindered by the dismissal of FBI Director James Comey and the justice system.

Trump to former attorney Michael Cohen instructed to lie
Martina Buttler, ARD Washington
18.01.2019 18:39 PM

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Cohen says before the U.S. Congress, 11.01.2019 Trump instructed according to Cohen, hush money payments, 14.12.2018 Trump is said to have instructed former attorney Michael Cohen to lie, Martina Buttler, ARD Washington |audio
