René Toft Hansen, who had to go out with an injury in the match against Norway on Thursday, lose the rest of the handball world cup with a lyskeskade.

Critical Sagosen: – It is hopeless

The enlightened Danish coach Nikolaj Jacobsen on Friday.

– I think Clean has been outstanding in the fighting so far in the world cup. Together with Henrik Møllgaard is he krumtappen in forsvarsspillet our, and there are resentful if we lose him, ” said Jacobsen after the game Thursday.

Denmark and Sweden initiates hovedrunden in the world cup with four points after winning all their matches in the base game. Norway has two points.

Jacobsen has not yet taken a position on whether he takes Henrik Toft into the squad. He has been out with injury, but strekspilleren has made great advances and should be tested later on Friday.

Also bakspilleren Nikolay Øris was injured against Norway. He should be investigated further to find out how severe the damage is.

Mikkel Hansen doubt Norway