you will be expected to be a success for Apple, at that time, a dozen years ago, as the Hype around the upcoming mobile phone was always going to be greater. But your product would create a new category and change the world – who could have foreseen that? However, the iPhone acted like an accelerant in connection with a burning match. Use the services of companies such as Facebook, Twitter, or Airbnb – the Smartphone you have been corporations really successful and the companies to Billions.

But the time in which the manufacturer of the devices were able to make the big business, is coming to its end. For the first time in more than a decade, Apple CEO Tim Cook Recently had to revise the revenue forecast for the current quarter to the bottom. The share price of Apple rustled down.

not only Apple but the entire industry is Affected, but The worldwide sales of Smartphones fell in the last four quarters and for the first time for a whole year through. Also for this year, industry observers expect a moderate growth or even decline further. The reasons are many: The U.S.-Chinese trade dispute, the downturn in consumption in China and – especially – the decreasing curve in the technical development of Smartphones. New models differ less and less from their predecessors. If a phone has two or three cameras, fingerprint sensor, or face recognition to Unlock – it makes for the most is no big difference.

but What does this mean for the manufacturer? Where did you come from, how they react to the development, as you are well prepared for the future? A look at the three biggest players are Samsung, Huawei and Apple.


unlike Huawei and Apple, Samsung is not as an electronics company originated. The company is a conglomerate, Samsung Electronics is its largest and most successful subsidiary company. She is a leader in memory chips, TVs and Smartphones. Lack of real innovations and the growing competition from China makes Samsung to create. From the third quarter of 2017 Q 3’to 2018, Samsung lost 3.4 percent market share, competitor Huawei to put in the same time period by 3.9 percent.

Samsung not only manufactures Smartphones: A new air filter robot will be presented at a trade fair. Photo: Keystone

Samsung was once, like all South Korean corporations, in a strictly hierarchical manner, and sometimes almost military organized. Who works for Samsung, to sacrifice themselves for Samsung, it was said. But Lee Kun-hee, who took over in 1987, flattened hierarchies, and made subsidiaries more freedom of choice. His son, Lee Jae-yong as the father on speed, still managed to make more hierarchies, and showed itself even in the case of flexible working hours in South Korea, it was almost a Sensation.

Samsung’s latest Smartphones have it on the market harder than before. A short time after the performance, the prices have to be adjusted downwards, whereby the margin decreases. Technologically, Samsung Smartphones belong to the absolute top group, however, the competition-especially from China-has caught up. Whether the foldable Smartphone to be shown in February, can put a greater impulse, you must show the enthusiasm holds until now. Samsung should in future be based more strongly on his other legs, such as memory and screens, in the development of services, the company was not particularly successful, although it has put a lot of money, for example, in the development of the digital assistant Bixby. The will be ridiculed in the professional world, but rather because as a real competitor to Google’s Assistant, Amazon’s Alexa, or Apple’s Siri perceived.


Huawei was Founded in 1987 by Ren Zhengfei, a former soldier of the people’s liberation army, and the military trains, the company still carries today. Everything is very hierarchical, individual managers, especially in foreign countries, receive only the most necessary information. The decisions of the Central and of course, the man falls at the top: the company’s founder, Ren. A deeper insight into the company is hard to get, Huawei is not listed on the stock exchange and must not give too much price. On paper, 1.4 percent of the company, has Ren. The Rest should hold 80’000 only Chinese employees. Anyone who retires from the company, has to sell his shares.

revenge action because of the spying allegations? In China, a canadian, was sentenced to 15 years in prison, in the image, the canadian Embassy in Beijing. Photo: Keystone

the children has brought Ren to the Management. His daughter served as the chief financial officer. On 1. December of last year, she was arrested at the airport in Vancouver. The charge: violation of Iran sanctions. In the meantime, she waits with electronic ankle on the foot on their extradition to the United States.

Outside China, Huawei came only a few years ago, as a Smartphone manufacturer. For a long time, Huawei with its equipment almost exclusively in the home successfully. Ordinary products at moderate prices have made the company the third largest manufacturer in the world. Known Huawei primarily as a manufacturer of network technology. In Europe, the company is the market leader. But for how long? The US is no longer the urging of their allies more and more intense, to take account of Huawei in the Expansion of communication networks. The agencies fear of espionage and Sabotage. Huawei denies it vehemently. Even the otherwise media-shy Ren Zhengfei reports, therefore, is to word. On the question of how Huawei to requests from Chinese authorities to confidential information about foreign customers or their networks would react, he replied: “We would definitely say no.” Since Smartphones are only a part of Huawei’s business, should be a decrease in sales no risk for the company.


The group from California, it is managed like no other to make themselves less as a manufacturer of products, style, but rather as a supplier of the feeling of life. From packaging to user interface, all this claim is styled, the to religious ceremonies gemahnenden product ideas. Belongs to this under the 2011 deceased founder, Steve Jobs developed a strategy and a very strict confidentiality. The less is known about what Apple brings to the next, the greater the Hype. But this method worked less well than in the past.

services could in the future bring more money, than devices: Apple Store in Brooklyn, New York. Photo: Keystone

Apple has already recognized that the Hardware is little more to it, separating oneself from the competition, and is expanding therefore its range of services. Although Apple’s Hardware works best – and often exclusively – with other Apple products. Thus, the customer will pass on the idea to leave the Apple universe, the group, in the meantime, in addition to storage space in the Cloud, music and Videos also a payment service. In the future, says the company’s CEO Tim Cook, would play especially health services. Apple is trying to position itself as a company that responsibly with the data of the customer bypasses. In more recent times has allowed Apple to free itself from its almost complete dependence on the iPhone is something. Apple’s Computer watch is the best-selling Smart Watch, also the in-house music service to be running well and has established itself to Spotify as number two. Enormously important is the iPhone still remains, it is still the Central control element for almost all of the services.

When it comes to the next big thing at Apple, the expectations, especially on Augmented Reality (augmented reality). Apple has bought in the past few years some companies from this area. It’s conceivable that a pair of glasses that you can wear long time comfortable and brings a well-linked range of useful content would be. To date, little penetrates about but hardly to the outside. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 18.01.2019, 10:42 PM