A woman in the 20-years was just as before at 13.00 on Thursday afternoon stabbed inside a Kiwi store in Møllergata in Oslo city centre. PST-chief Benedicte Bjørnland announces during a press conference Friday afternoon that they are investigating voldsepisoden as a possible terrorist attack.

A 20-year-old man is arrested and charged in the case. The man came to Norway via Sweden on Thursday this week. Bjørnland says that the man is a Russian citizen. He should be from the Russian of Basjkortostan at the Urals.

– He has expressed that this is an act of terrorism, says Bjørnland about the man’s explanations in the interrogation. PST associate the action to the extreme islamism.

The defendant has not wanted to get appointed any defender.

LIVE: Pst, Marie Benedicte Bjørnland met the media in Oslo, after knivstikkingen on the Kiwi in Møllergata in Oslo, norway. Video: Emilie Rydning / Dagbladet Show more Critically injured

the PST confirms to Dagbladet that the man has stated in questioning that he wanted to kill more people in the Uk. The woman in the 20-years that was stabbed in Møllergata Thursday afternoon is highly critical damaged

PST has no indications that there are plans for further attacks in Norway, but says that they monitor the situation.

the Newspaper was on the site yesterday, shortly after the police had received the messages about what would be a stabbing in connection with a robbery. The woman in the 20-years to have been a random victim, and was, according to the police, stabbed in the back when she stood at the checkout to pay.

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The first messages came to the police at 12.53. Several patrols responded quickly to the place, and the 20-year-old was arrested a short time later.

a Woman stabbed inside the grocery store in Oslo

After a run got a party in control of a man, who is now arrested. He was taken back by Jacob’s church, said operasjonsleder Vidar Pedersen of the Oslo police to the newspaper Dagbladet yesterday.

– We got several messages that a person had been stabbed in the back, and that this had happened in the vicinity of a Kiwi store in Møllergata. Then we got notice of an employee at that store that they had been exposed to a ransforsøk, said Pedersen on.

the Police innsatsleder on the spot, Nicolai Bakke-Henden stated that the employees in the store initially perceived the incident as a ransforsøk – but that there was a misunderstanding.

are being INVESTIGATED AS TERROR: the Police security service (PST) investigates knivangrepet against a woman in a Kiwi store in Møllergata in Oslo on Thursday as a possible terrorist attack, reports NRK. Photo: Frank Karlsen Show more

– It should have been conflict and misunderstandings inside the store between the pågrepne and the offended, which led to a knivstikkingen, said innsatsleder Nicolai Bakke-Henden to the Newspaper.

– Think of the woman

the Ultimate in Kiwi, Andreas Wormdahl, referring to the police department for comments regarding the knivstikkingen. He says, however, that, under the circumstances, goes well with the employees.

Ms. Kristine Aakvaag Arvin says to Dagbladet shows like Wormdahl to the police.

Our thoughts go out to those involved, especially the woman and her immediate. And we hope for a quick recovery for her, ” says Arvin.

store Manager Christian Beckström in the Kiwi store in Møllergata tell Dagbladet that the store is open and running as normal today. He goes on to say that the staff in the shop have got information from the Kiwis hovedkontror that no employee should speak with the media.

Critical for the woman who was stabbed in Oslo