The EU accuses the authorities in the Russian Republic of Chechnya, the abuse and possible murder of members of sexual minorities. Credible Reports of media and human rights activists that had been locked up since December, at least 40 Homo-sexual, inter-sexual and trans people (LGBTI) and tortured, said the Foreign service of the EU in Brussels on Friday. Accordingly, there is also evidence that at least two of them died of the consequences of ill-treatment.

“The Russian authorities have a duty to protect all its citizens”, – stated in the message. The EU expected now quick, comprehensive and transparent investigations of alleged crimes in Chechnya. The responsible parties are held accountable.

Germany and France are “concerned”

Previously, had already expressed government representatives from Germany and France is “deeply concerned” about reports of the persecution of homosexuals in Chechnya. “We are deeply concerned about the reports, that it should have come in Chechnya, re-arrests, torture, even death, members of sexual minorities”, – stated in the middle of this week in Berlin, the published joint opinion of the human rights of the Federal government, Bärbel Kofler (SPD) officer, and the French Ambassador for human rights François Croquette.

“the Russian authorities must investigate the Reports of human rights organizations as soon as possible and all the people at risk the protection and assistance”, – stated in the Declaration. Crimes of violence should be investigated and the perpetrators held accountable. Kofler and Corquette called on Russia, the recommendations of the organization for security and cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

Always be in Chechnya homosexual

followed Under the rule of the Chechen Republic, the heads of Ramzan Kadyrov, it is always back to the persecution and murder of Homosexuals. Already 2017 Germany – like other countries – one from the Land of exiled gay man.

Russia’s President Putin has made so far, despite numerous international Appeals, however, nothing to stop the persecution. Quite to the contrary, Russia for its homophobic laws known what to criticise human rights groups. (epd/KNA)

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persecution of Homosexuals in Germany takes gay Chechens

Claudia salts

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