These dialogs! “I personally have a fear of arbitrariness,” sighs the theatre, Director Martin at rehearsals of his production of Peter Weiss’s Auschwitz trial Drama “The investigation” with waidwundem views. And as an assistant Director Matti anreicht according to one of the theater troupe scheduled to visit the concentration camp of Birkenau lunch meat, dismisses the actress Sabine: “So soon after Auschwitz, I can’t eat sausages.” The ramblings of German culture, before the icon is loaded as a backdrop of the concentration camp Birkenau profane acts appalling. So humanly understandable and well-the uncertain struggle for “dealing with the past” the artist meant.
This is either laughter or Anger provoking reaction of Rejection is intended in “Hotel Auschwitz”. Cornelius Schwalm, in Raven black low-Budget Farce in a personal Union as a Director, author and Director of actors, instigated by the Berlin-based actor acts. The man is Born in 1967 and is aware of the vanities, dependencies, super-sensitiveness, and (pseudo)intellectual claims of the fired clay of the theatre and film industry from the inside out. Accordingly, to the utter consternation of his bullshit is taken in his art of satire.

gray full Symbol of human failure

For him, Auschwitz was the largest and most horrible Symbol for human error, says Schwalm. In the banal behavior of his characters he can recognize all the structures that had led to the concentration camps: “oppression, abuse of power, envy, exclusion, authority, conductive hearing loss, lack of moral courage and solidarity.”
Actually, the core crew of Director, assistant and the main actors Sabine (Franziska Petri) and Holger (Patrick von Blume) is busy on the summer trip to Auschwitz with their power play, and sensitivities as with the planned piece of theater. Nicolas Wacker Barth’s bitter Comedy “Casting” greetings.
This leads to strange images. An Israeli group of visitors moved in with blue-and-white flags on the Remains of the camp barracks. Now Holger and Sabine crouching in the bushes, and kitten your a secret affair by Verzweiflungssex. Closely followed by a sob break-up of the Director, dud Martin, wants to cancel all together, “because he can’t Express this Dimension”. But he is too keen to career and Sabine, MeToo, according to towing.

And then a Polish trash-movie-force

As the German to the Polish Jew, Goshka and trash film troop meeting, the blood-soaked soil of history also their self-representation exploits, running the theatre and Menschenmurx totally out of control. At the Showdown in the factory ruins of the IG Farben, the connection between fascism and capitalism, because it is clear.
you See, from the last third, in which the previously-observed-creative posse in the direction of the Plot panned, “Hotel Auschwitz” a lot of courage to caustic truths. Remains doubtful, however, whether social and artistic (memorial), the mechanisms break, in the use of the tourist and scenic backdrop of the tomb of 1.2 million people. The realization that today as in the past, each wearing the equipment to the applicant executor, you have got it already by Hannah Arendt’s Eichmann-process book, “report on the banality of Evil”. Gunda Bartels

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