Thursday, it was clear that the first non-socialist flertallsregjeringen since 1985 had been formed. In the new regjeringsplattformen, KrF, Left, Right, and Frp agreed, curtailed the right to fosterreduksjon of healthy embryos, so – called tvillingabort. The new government will thus become the first since abortloven was introduced in 1976 which reduces the Norwegian women’s right to self-determination.

Ropstad got online to cook with sjokkutspill

Just what was Ropstad, who is the favorite to take over after Knut Arild Hareide as the leader, challenged on of the Ap leader Jonas Gahr Støre during yesterday’s partilederdebatt.

Støre said that the consequence of the innskrenkningen is that we will see more abortions, before he argued that women who, for various reasons say that they are not able to carry forward both the embryo should have the choice of whether to abort one instead of both.

It was then Ropstad cut into, with a response that has been met with sharp reactions:

But the main point is that I believe that if you are able to carry forward one, then you should also be able to carry forward two, ” said Ropstad.

Støre went straight in the throat on the Ropstad, and thundered: “you Must decide, Kjell Britain Ropstad?”, before he came up:

– It grabs you in as a political high priest and says that we shall determine. It is a violation of the law, and it is very serious.

Ap-the leader will get a Friday support from several quarters. The young Left-leader Sondre Hansmark did it earlier this week very clearly that he would vote down regjeringsplattformen if it contained the changes in the abortloven.

Votes down any abortion-victory for the christian democratic party has: – Completely out of the question

I agree with Støre in that it is a very horribel thing to do. We are obviously more agree with the Labour party than the christian democratic party has when it comes to abortspørsmålet, says Hansmark to the Newspaper.

– Incredibly sad

He believes Ropstads rumblings Thursday evening shows a major problem with the debate: “you Better believe there are some who think it is fun to implement fosterreduksjon”.

– It is not a tea party to carry out the procedure. One does it because one of the various reasons are unable to attend to more children, ” says Hansmark and follow up:

– But here comes the Ropstad as a politician to define what is best for women, at the same time as he assumes that all able to take care of as many children as possible. It is incredibly sad that This has been given the green light to deprive women the right to decide for themselves, and that one must to a committee.

He emphasizes, however, that they are at least as far away from the centre party, the christian democratic party has, when it comes to verdipolitikk in general and in particular the right to decide over their own body.

– In abortspørsmålet I find that we in the Young Left largely agree with the Left. But it is a battle we lost in the regjeringsforhandlingene. For me personally, it was important to say that we must say no to innstramminger in abortloven, also in the government. But unfortunately, there is no majority for it in the Left.

RESPONDS: the Young Liberal party leader Sondre Hansmark, here pictured before landstyremøtet at Gardermoen, react strongly on Ropstads overtures. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB scanpix Show more – Would have been very hurt

He believes it was clear that the fear of a government involving the centre party, was greater.

– Much of what we have achieved in government, and would break if the centre party gets in government, he says, and refers to questions about the kvoteflyktninger, rusreform and climate policy.

It would have been very painful for many in the Left to let go of these things, and many don’t see that abortspørsmålet to get trump this.

– this Is the important questions for the Left than abortspørsmålet?

you need to ask each one. But for me yesterday the border to fuck with the right to abortion on demand, ” says Hansmark.

– Applied argument

He also responds strongly to the debate, or rather the lack of a debate.

– I wish that it had initiated an investigation of abortloven, which included a broader layer of the population. Then I’m sure that people had taken to the streets to defend their rights. Instead it is Better to hause up a conflict around abortloven. They now manage to do is the feat to limit the right to abortion on demand, while at the same time ensures that it will be taken more abortions.

Give up, go in the government Comment

Young Left leader has no patience for the argument Ropstad Sector has used in the debate.

” They show that the twins belong together. It is an equally applied reasoning that siblings generally belong together, and that you therefore can’t have an abortion. This is a major attack on the right to abortion on demand, and the match does not limit itself only to the fosterreduksjon, ” he says.

– Krøkkete said

so far, It has not succeeded Dagbladet to get a comment from Ropstad. Friday morning he asked, however, on The political quarters, where he was confronted with this measure her from Thursday’s debate.

– It was very “krøkkete” said. My point is that we must facilitate for the families. I think that if one really wants to carry forward one child, we must as a society be able to facilitate that you are able to carry forward two, ” he says.

But if the woman thinks otherwise, we shall not listen to that woman?, ask the Radio show host.

Therefore, the new government in Norway

– Professional recommendation is simply of the fear that if you take the abortion of one child, can the risk that the other child dies will be so great that one should not do it. So I think there is a moral perspective about it. When you look at the knowledge you can get, for example, what gender it is, it can in worst case be a selection based on gender. That you choose away the boy or the girl, and I think that’s ethically problematic, respond Ropstad.

After the political quarter of the ask VG about Ropstad will go so far as to apologise for this measure.

– Yes, I see that I should have chosen other words to get it that was the point, he replies.

Will pursue him,

the party’s deputy chair, says to NRK that she believes Ropstads statement will hang by him.

This is a comment that defines the values base for Kjell Britain Ropstad, which shows that he is willing to make himself a referee of the women’s deeply personal and quite difficult choice. I think this comment is going to follow him, ” says May.

BERGEN-MAYOR: Marte Mjøs Persen, are the mayor and the mother of triplets. She believes Ropstad does not know what he is talking about. Photo: Marit Hommedal / NTB scanpix Show more – don’t Know what he’s talking about

another that responds strongly is bergensordfører Marte Mjøs Persen, (Ap). She was in the 2012 mother of triplets, who were born preterm. She senses that Ropstad has apologized, but still have a couple of alvorsord she wants to share:

– I have with me that Kjell Britain Ropstad has apologized for his statement that “unable to carry forward one child, then manages a two also”. And describes it even as “krøkkete”. The problem is that he does not know what he is talking about. I brought three at a time. With considerable risk. For myself and For the three inside the stomach, she writes on Facebook.

She elaborates on the face of the NRK:

– Everyone who has had a premature child knows how challenging it is for the first time. There are many things I have suppressed, because it was so demanding, ” says Persen.

She says to rikskringkasteren that she has been contacted by many who go pregnant with triplets, and that of very many not going well.

– It is not all who experience that their children are born healthy and healthy. When is it medical assessments, social assessments, and personal assessments that will have to underlie a woman’s choice whether she will carry forward all of the embryo, ” says Persen.

– As to be thrown back to the 50’s