In a press release, writes the Swedish Academy that it ”submits that Katarina Frostenson is responsible for breaches of security by related parties”, and that Miller himself ”denied breaches of security”.

Miller has, in turn, argues that the Academy ”had obligations to her, and breach of these obligations ‘ and that the Swedish Academy deny this.

reached an agreement that goes out to the Miller emerges from the Academy and in exchange, 12.875 per month. She also gets ”support for continued accommodation in the apartment that she rents by the Swedish Academy”.

Furthermore, it says in the press release to the Swedish Academy, and Miller ”jointly come to the conclusion that a judicial review of the question of guilt does not have any sensible meaning in regard to the resources it would take in the claims”.

the Swedish Academy writes that it is assumed that the Miller ”worked for the Swedish Academy, for 25 years, and contributed valuable efforts”, and describes the financial settlement as a ”pensionsliknande benefit”.

” We have no other comment than what is stated in the press release, write Per E Samuelson, Frostenson’s legal representative, in an email to DN.

Katarina Frostenson. Photo: Beatrice Lundborg

the Academy’s main issues right now is whether there will be a nobel Prize in literature in years. TT says the nobel Foundation’s press officer Mikael Östlund to the settlement with Miller not determine the matter.

– There are a number of measures that the Academy needs to take, and the Nobel foundation does not specify which, but it does so in a dialogue with the Academy, says Mikael Östlund to the TT.

the Court head of corporate communications, Margareta Thorgren says the DN to the king, the Academy’s high protector, has been informed about the development.

Read more: On Friday, they wrote both the parties under the settlement agreement

with the våldtäktsdömde kulturprofilen Jean-Claude Arnault, and she has been singled out for numerous crimes against the institution’s jävs and confidentiality rules. In the beginning of October stood the Swedish Academy themselves behind a resolution calling on Miller to leave his chair. Three members reserved their positions.

Miller refused to obey the requirement, and her attorney left at the beginning of January a förlikningsförslag to the Swedish Academy, where Miller demanded compensation in order to be able to support herself and continue her craft as a poet”.

according to the press release forsättningsvis be allocated is the same as Katarina Frostenson already on 4 October, was told that she, until further obtain from the Swedish Academy.

In an e-mail from Anders Olsson – published in Frostenson förlikningsförslag – wrote the permanent secretary to the Academy was threatened ”by decay”. Attached was also the resolution which the members decided on.

Katarina Frostenson has been sitting on the chair number 18 in the Swedish Academy in the year 1992. She left the work in the department on 12 april last year – the same night that Sara Danius left his position as permanent secretary. Frostenson’s explanation was that she left with the hope that the Academy would thereby survive as an institution.

the Swedish Academy in its first meeting for the year, and the first since the new members Jila Elevated, Mats Malm and Eric M Runesson taken their chairs. Even the earlier defectors Kjell Espmark and Peter Englund attended the meeting after returning to the Academy’s work.

After the meeting on Thursday, said the permanent secretary Anders Olsson to the TT that during the meeting come closer to a solution on the Frostensonfrågan and that he had ”high hopes”.

with Miller leaving the Swedish Academy says three of the 18 seats are empty. Moreover, Sara Danius left the work in the Academy, and it is unclear if she plans to return or not.

Read also Erik Helmerson: the Academy’s crisis has never been about sex