In many German cities are gone, students on the street instead of in school. Their goal: For more climate protection demonstrate. That you miss the lessons, is a conscious part of the action.

In several German cities, students for climate protection on the road – and have skipped the school. Alone in lower Saxony and Bremen, the police counted about 3500 participants, 2300 alone in Hannover. In Jena, more than 130 students to the wood market, in Munich, 750 to the siblings came according to the organizers-Scholl-Platz.

protests under the Motto “Fridays For Future” there was also in several other cities – including Berlin and Hamburg. The mobilization of these runs, especially on Facebook or WhatsApp groups. A precise Overview of the number of demonstrations.

the organizer of The protests in Hanover, Lou Töllner, said that the participants in front of all the compliance with the Paris climate agreement, and the phase-out of coal energy. “We are calling for the complete phase-out of coal and change to renewable energy,” said Töllner. The subject should not remain a marginal issue.

such As here in Munich, students took part in a number of cities in the “education strike”.

Greta Thun Berg’s “school strike” as a model

That the demonstrations do not take place in the evening, but during the day during school times, is a conscious part of the action. Example of the 15-year-old Swede, Greta Thunberg, who had gained with more weeks of “school strike” to international attention, and also to the UN climate change conference in Katowice had been invited.

The “school strike” to draw attention to the fact that it is the Generation of today’s young people, the need to pay for the consequences of climate change for the generations before have. “Why should we not learn for the future, there might not be?”, it formulated the Swede Thunberg. “And why should cramming facts when the key facts of the company are not to be taken seriously?”