“Fire at the nursery in the Svedala”

“It has been burning strongly at a preschool in Svedala outside Malmö.”

“the Emergency services report that approximately one-third of the building was destroyed in the fire.”

“– It is brandskadat and can’t use, ” says Mattias Sköld, internal command at räddningstjänsten Syd.”

“the Alarm was received at räddningstjänsten Syd just before at 18: 30.”

” We got into the fire outdoors. It has happened, something has begun to burn off and spread out, ” says Mattias Sköld, internal command at räddningstjänsten Syd.”

“It is a nursery school in Svedala outside Malmö that had burned. “

“Six stations worked to put out the fire – which, at 21 o’clock in the evening was reported to be under control.”

“– We settle the bet and starts eftersläckningsarbete now.”

“– We talked at the outset that about one-third of the building would burn down, it will not burn down but, in contrast, is the brandskadad and can’t use.”

“No person shall be damaged in connection with the fire.”