Every year, the local authorities must publish their policy for the supervision of the home care. But it is not necessary, said the government in a bill which ældreminister Thyra Frank sent out for consultation last year.

the Government wants to abolish as many rules as possible in order to reduce bureaucracy.

But it has been shown that there was a good reason that municipalities had a duty to publish, how they monitor compliance with personal and practical help and food to the elderly.

Therefore, Thyra Frank pulled the bill back.

– In this case, I have listened to, that stakeholders have expressed concerns about, among other things, to ældrerådene in the municipalities lose influence if we implement the proposal, says Thyra Frank in a press release.

– Total are the concerns so serious that the proposal be withdrawn. New laws must not only make sense on the Palace – they must also make sense out of reality.

the Government had assessed that the municipalities could save approximately 300,000 dollars per year in not having to prepare tilsynspolitikker. But the saving, they’re not going to reap.

the Proposal to repeal the obligation to prepare a tilsynspolitik was one of a total of two bills, as Thyra Frank in the catalogue of laws, which outlines the government’s plans for folketingsåret 2018/2019.

The second bill from the ældreministeren is about targeting the preventive home visits. It had a consultation period on Wednesday.