When in Wednesday evening, it became clear that the Labour party motion of censure against the government failed, the invited Theresa May in all the opposition parties to the deliberations on the Brexit.

All of the party except Jeremy Corbyn said yes.

– Some calls may not be initiated until the threat of a catastrophic avtalslös Brexit taken away from the table, ” said Corbyn decided.

Jeremy Corbyn. Photo: Ben Stansall/AFP

in the Labour party that Theresa May is just trying to win time after the disastrous defeat of the week, when her Brexit-the agreement was voted down by a historically large margin.

That suspicion just became stronger on Thursday, when a spokesman for May said that the government goes into talks with an open mind, but that it is out of the question to remain in the EU customs union, since it would make it impossible to conclude new trade agreements.

– This just goes to show that the prime minister’s invitation to the call was a scam, ” says Corbyn.

a customs union with the EU after Brexit – but even Corbyn would prefer that the country should be able to conclude new trade agreements on their own. It would, however, require some type of exception for the british, and likely to be tough negotiations with Brussels.

to get there, you first need to find a uk negotiating position that is acceptable to a majority in parliament – and then it is required that the party leaders sit down and talk.

the Former labour leader and prime minister, Tony Blair criticises Corbyn that he accepted the Mays samtalsinvit.

– If a prime minister to invite the opposition leaders to call in the middle of a national crisis, then it is obvious that you listen to it, ” says Blair to the BBC.

Vince Cable, accusing at the same time, Corbyn to put on the fight of the government ahead of the country’s best.

Corbyn can not count on our support in the future misstroendeomröstningar, for he seems to have decided to play political games, rather than listen to their own members, ” said Cable, who, instead, want that the Labour party supports the proposal for a new referendum on Brexit.

In the fall, decided the Labour party congress that the party leadership should be able to drive the requirement for a new referendum, if it proves impossible to get to a new election. But Jeremy Corbyn is skeptical about the idea – on the one hand is the outcome of a new referendum far from certain, partly he is afraid of a svekdebatt in the cities in central and northern England, where many voted to leave the EU.

Keir Harris. Photo: Mark Earthy

the town in London, Corbyn represents in parliament, is the division of labor clear.

– If Labourledningen endorses the idea of a new referendum, I think that it would be possible to gather a majority in parliament behind it, ” says Keir Harris, who is the president of Young Labour (the equivalent to the Swedish SSU) in the Islington branch.

Harris is 23 years old and belong to the left wing of the party. But, like the mayor of London Sadiq Khan, he wants to now that the party is pushing the issue of a new referendum, so that there is at least a chance to stop the EU-exit.

” I’d like to see Jeremy Corbyn becomes prime minister. But I think that it would be dangerous for us to come to power in the context of an EU exit, it would strike hard against the economy and make it impossible to govern the country. A new referendum is the best way to get us out of this disastrous situation, ” says Harris.

a New measurement: Majority of britons want to stay in the EU

Federley (C): Move the Brexit July 1.

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