Later, as in the past year, the flu wave has reached Switzerland in the second week of January now. In the previous year, the flu epidemic had broken out already in December.

In the second week of January, 2019 144 Doctors of the Sentinella reporting system is 15.5 flu suspected cases per 1000 consultations reported to see how the current Figures of the Federal office for health (BAG). This corresponds to extrapolated an incidence of 121 cases per 100’000 inhabitants. The seasonal epidemic threshold of 68 influenza suspected cases was thus exceeded.

projected cases per 100’000 inhabitants (graph: BAG)

most of the flu-children up to 4 years of age are affected is small. In all regions, the number of influenza patients is rising. Far the flu in the East of Switzerland, in the cantons of Zurich and Schaffhausen, and Ticino.

330’000 people at the doctor

In the flu season 2017/18, there were the most cases of influenza since the year 2000. At the time, consulted grossed around 330’to 700 persons (4 percent of the population) because of a flu-like illness, a family doctor or a family doctor.


Created: 16.01.2019, 15:10 PM