this Is madness, there is method in it, in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” in the second act. Hamlet’s most famous monologue, “to be or not to be”, is at the beginning of the third act, then, of the Alternative, to live (on)or to commit suicide.

unlike hamlet’s supposed madness of the current madness of Shakespeare Nation, GB has, however, not even method. Nevertheless, the Rest of Europe by this madness seems connected somehow. Hardly to believe, that for a good two years, with increasing frequency, the European policy with countless clerks, experts, Ministers and heads of government, respectively, chief thousands of hours all the time with the British Bitchy and (internal) Zockereien deal. Instead of your time, some of the inequality of the world are pushing to devote problems. And that is exactly what the Europeans – the British, Europeans, or so – in the meantime ad nauseam on the nerves. Stop, reset, exit!, in this case it is reasonable impulse.

You have to remember merely of times: The broken today weißgottwo has backbone because at the end of the predecessor of Theresa May, the Ex-Prime Minister, David Cameron, in 2016, from tactical calculations, without Distress and with little back, the ominous Brexit Referendum by the fence. Where a former Oxford co-student and colleague, Cameron’s played a role, as a political rival. In short: Shakespeare was as a time-Ben Johnson enjoyed. We now have Boris Johnson. Boris’ great-grandfather was a liberal Turkish journalist and the last interior Minister of the Ottoman Empire, he was later murdered. The fact Osman Ali, the grandfather of the blonde Boris fled to London and took the name to Wilfred Johnson. The grandson was then an Oxford Boy (such as David Cameron), Journalist and politician. Both of you, Cameron and Johnson have a fight to the Brexit Referendum too each other for Power and, given the consequences of both gambles it away.

Actually, the Whole thing is a coup from the top. At the expense first of the British people. Boris Johnson, the longtime mayor of the multicultural city of London, knew of his family history and as a long time, has led the Pro-BrexitWahlkampf without all the scruples. With populist demagogy, with Fake News, xenophobia, and at the same time, but witty promises for a national revival and a glorious Greater Britain. The is followed by a very small majority of the then predominantly desinformierten or often disinterested English population.

Theresa May, some of the long exhausted of EU politicians and some of the German commentators promote But until today, the belief that a new Referendum on the UK remaining in the EU is “undemocratic”. You could not vote again, or as long as, “until a fit is the result”.

the Latter is an unrealistic, in turn, demagogic Exaggeration. And the Argument that a second election was undemocratic? The opposite is the case. We are now three years further on, the level of knowledge about a process, there was never, at Brexiteers as EU-supporters is much higher than in 2016, and who will from the threat of harm intentionally is not wise is stupid. Or irresponsible.

democracy is changing majorities. And Opinions. Who changes his opinion, never, never too late to learn, is stubborn, and is either authoritarian or a fanatic, at least not a natural-born Democrat. Also the choice of the people today is a million times different than 2016. It comes to the future of Europe and the UK, this applies especially to the young voters who were entitled to three years ago still not voting. According to recent surveys, are, you, today would vote in majority for Europe. And a Europe without the United Kingdom it may be. It would be like literature without Shakespeare.

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If a fundamental question about the Future of the democratic Sovereign must not be re-considered, resembles it to think of the ban. Because to think means to think about. A part of the political class, represented in the British house of Commons, denied that. The emphasis is on “yet”. Because the time is already more. May, Johnson and Corbyn are already ghosts. In England a politician, as a joke, is, according to Brecht, should choose otherwise, another people. Brexitus exitus.