The announcement of the Governing mayor Michael Müller (SPD), to larger housing stock of the real estate group Deutsche Wohnen to buy, should have consequences. A Meeting of Miller with the Board of Directors of the company is in the planning stage, it said on Wednesday in the Senate office. To prepare for Finance Senator Matthias Kollatz (SPD), had been commissioned “to explore, from a professional point of view,” the views of the Deutsche Wohnen for the possible sale of part of holdings.
to Date, no common Position of the coalition groups
at the moment, but there are apparently still no common Position of the coalition factions and the Senate to such a Municipalisation of housing. In any case, was postponed yesterday’s meeting of the main Committee of the FDP-pending meeting point to the issue of the government majority on the middle of February. The FDP wanted to know from the Senator of Finance, such as the proposal of Miller’s finances could be.
On the adjournment Sibylle master, apartment responded-policy spokesperson of the FDP, upset, and speculated on Twitter: “someone get a muzzle missed”. Compared to the days level, not interpreted the postponement of four weeks as an indication “that the Senate speaks in terms of the possible buyback of GSW-apartments with one voice.”
The formerly municipal housing company GSW has been privatised in 2004. Stocks began 2013 in the ownership of Deutsche Wohnen. The mayor considers that it is desirable that this 51 to take 000 homes in land ownership. The CDU parliamentary group in the house of representatives criticized mainly that the Left – as part of the coalition in support of the planned referendum for the expropriation of Deutsche Wohnen. With a Parliamentary motion Red-Red-Green forced to take a position on it.
The Union calls for “a commitment to the free democratic basic order” and believes that “left-wing populist claims from Parts of the coalition, speaking after a law on the socialization of land” to the principles of the basic law. The Senate had a clear and consistent Position against the call for the nationalisation of the whole industry in a related industry, – stated in the application.
CDU parliamentary group calls for new construction of apartments
at the same time more effort must be made to create new and affordable housing. The CDU, however, is not to increase the stock of state-owned apartments in Berlin. This had to be done primarily through new construction. The purchase of existing properties is of secondary importance. “The old law of supply and demand should also penetrate into the brains of the coalition parties,” said the CDU parliamentary leader Burkhard Dregger to the daily mirror. Social not you do not fight, by buying apartments, but by build. Private investors should not be spooked.
More about
Deutsche Wohnen Berlin Senate, is behind a buy-back of flats
Ulrich Zawatka-Gerlach
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