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The former politilederen Eirik Jensen was sentenced to the statutory strictest punishment – 21 years in prison – in the Oslo district court in september 2017. 61-year-old, appealed on the spot, and since that time he has fought his life’s battle to be exonerated in the court of appeal.

Eirik Jensen has even said that it is about life when the case against him in these days will be settled in the Borgarting court of appeal, and just after at 09.00 yesterday started the dramatic procedures in the appeal.

the Prosecutor about Jensen’s “register-explanation”: – Completely incomprehensible

In the course of the day, let Spesialenheten for police matters, presented his argument for the evidence. It is expected that the prosecution will continue up to lunch today, before Jensen’s defenders are taking over. In the course of a total of three days with the procedure to 72 rettsdager, over 120 witnesses and thousands of documents be accounted for.

– Changed the explanation

Spesialenheten did not wait a long time yesterday before they went in the throat on the Eirik Jensen, with harsh attacks on the former polititoppens credibility. Much time was spent on the to view the to Jensen’s changing explanations, the large amount of SMS communication between Jensen and Cappelen, gifts, and the prosecutors believe is the attempt at diversion from the Jensen in the matter.

Jensen speaks out: – don’t Dare think that I go from here as a free man

Eirik Jensen even says to Dagbladet that he experienced the first day of the procedures as tough.

I look at the day in the day in exactly the same way as the previous day. We have our allotted time, and now applies it to exploit it as well as possible, ” says Jensen on the way out of the courtroom.

He says he finds that Spesialenheten have claims and conclusions, and that all you are presented with a minus sign.

This has been a kjempetøff travel in more than five years. You are affected by it. It is not something cheerful scenario, ” he says.

– A criminal cooperation

Spesialenheten used yesterday including a lot of time on Jensen’s conduct when the bathroom of his was refurbished in 2005-2006.

Four questions the second last jury must answer

Cappelen has explained that he paid for craftsmen and part of the renovation. Spesialenheten believe that this is true, and points out, among other things, a number of fraudulent receipts as Jensen took care of. The plumber who performed the work on the bathroom was a central member of the cappelen in his hasjliga. Jensen has stated that he has not paid a now deceased Danish carpenter for work done on the bathroom.

Details of the refurbishment referred to as perhaps the most important evidence in the case.

– Only that Cappelen is involved, that he obtain black labour, and that Jensen has received a fake appendix, shows the relationship between them. They knew each other very well and trusted each other. Combined with other evidence, shows that they had established a criminal collaboration, said the prosecutor and Spesialenheten-chief Jan Egil Presthus in court yesterday.

MORRISON: This happened during the aktoratets procedure against the korrupsjonstiltalte officer, Eirik Jensen. Video: Nicolai Delebekk / Dagbladet Show more – Wouldn’t avhøres

the Prosecutor Guro Glærum Kleppe showed to Jensen’s written explanations in a note and in the book “On the inside. The story of my politiliv”.

So determined Jensens fate the Newspaper Plus

He wouldn’t allow himself to interrogate, but had no problems to come up with their own version in writing and publish it, ” says Spesialenheten-here.

Kleppe struck back against the criticism that has come from Jensen’s defenders, as she feels several times have tried to come with which leads in the case.

– It is raised criticism against the Asker and Bærum police district, Spesialenheten and the director of public prosecutions as to how the investigation has been handled. The criticism is, in our opinion, groundless and speculative, ” said Kleppe.


She pointed out that a number of the involved investigators have testified in the case. Both personnel from Kripos and Økokrim has assisted Spesialenheten in the investigation.

– It is not that the investigation was outsourced, so Eirik Jensen argued in his sluttanmerkning, she said, and added:

– There have been several speculations about that Asker and Bærum would take Jensen.

She turned on to the Isa-conversations, which have been flengende criticism of Jensen’s defenders. They believe police have gone too far in to give Cappelen claims about the straffereduksjon to explain about Jensen.

Now is the battle in the Morrison case: “It will be tough to sit and listen to

– The (interrogations) have been referred to as the “criminals” of Randby and the Fire. We have heard the recordings, and there is no doubt that they have acted with integrity, ” said Kleppe.

cappelen in his subject has also been taken up in the court, including questions about Cappelen would drop the punishment.

– to get a lower punishment, Cappelen will have to get lagretten to believe what he says. Taken him in a lie on it we can verify, weaken the whole explanation his. He is going to have to relate to the truth in order to get something back, ” said Kleppe.

– Scary

Kleppe also used the time to talk about the much-publicized McDonald’s-meeting in the fall of 2013. Jensen’s defenders have spent a lot of time trying to prove that Cappelen was under the pengepress and threats and that this may have been a motivation for him to talk into Eirik Jensen.

– Cappelen meetings i.e. the Swedish-Albanian mafia, and Jensen knows all about this meeting. He does not make any police with it and alerts no, in spite of the police task about allmennpreventive respect. Jensen’s explanation is scary, ” said Kleppe.

To turn back

today, there is, as mentioned, Jensen and his defenders who have the opportunity to turn back, and the explanations from the two sides are steep against each other.

Where Spesialenheten believe Jensen has held a protective hand over the “narkobaronen” Gjermund Cappelen, so that the latter could operate in peace for police, the mean Jensen and his defenders that he has used Cappelen as an important informant to know what is moving in criminal environments.

DEFENSE: Eirik Jensen’s defender John Christian the Fire is not impressed with the aktoratets procedure. Reporter: hegelstad eiendomsselskap arvid b. hegelstad Mogen / Video: Nicolai Delebekk / Dagbladet Show more

Jensen’s defense attorney, John Christian Fire, is clear on that today they are going to go straight in the attack on Spesialenhetens presentation of the case.

– Yes, it is that belong in the procedures … To summarize bevisførselen. We have noted that several times – also in the day – think, believe and perceive. What we mean is completely irrelevant in a criminal case.

Eirik Jensen’s roommate analysed the evidence: – Found something I did not get to vote. Plus,

– There are a good number of things spesialenheten interprets, guesses and think in this case, where we of course have other beliefs. What is interesting here is not what you think, but what they have proven up against the charges. In other words, they Have attempted to lead the evidence and have brought evidence that Jensen is guilty of the importation of drugs, ” says the Fire to the Newspaper.

Not guilty

defence counsel believes the prosecution can’t prove that Jensen is guilty.

Jensen was sentenced to 21 years in district court. Do you have a different strategy now in the court of appeal?

– Yes, we have a strategy that it is right to come forward so that he was not being judged. It is a good strategy. Our goal has been to demonstrate that there is no evidence that suggests that he is guilty of the charges. It is perhaps the most important.

What concrete that will come in the current procedure, he will not say anything about.

– That you must wait, ” says the Fire to the Newspaper.

Eirik Jensen to the Newspaper: – This is the evidence that gives me hope. Plus