“Noted, it is kind of like me you want to benefit?”

“Read the Jan Emanuels open letter to Jonas Sjöstedt”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Jonas, I know we don’t like each other much, you and I are. You took me up in every speech you gave before the elections and called me and various bankers for ”roffare” and said that we had ”too much power and too much money”. “

“I got to call you a ”hypocrite” and ”a rich product of the system you created to close to yourself”. I said, ”the difference between you and me, both of the privileged rich, is that you costs, and I pay for it”.”

“Now, I want to ask you for help. You sit for a time, but on the real power. You decide if the weirdest thing bourgeois experiment of the Swedish welfare state to be realised, or not. The experiment where my party will operate borgerligare policies than the alliance ever has done. “

“I want your help to get rid of all the privileges I, as a capitalist and profitör will be given through this policy. As a thank you, I can help you to not be a hypocrite, but instead, be the only fearless and upstanding leader who is the influence, the only thing that is not of self-interest will do anything to avoid new elections.”

“Annie is not like you. She and Björklund, unlike you follow up and make demands.”

“You might think that Stefan Löfven has a plan where he will spin up Annie Lööf and Jan björklund’s settlement with 78 points by letting them die and be forgotten in the protracted investigations? “

“It won’t happen, Annie is not like you. She and Björklund, unlike you follow up and make demands. They will not allow themselves to be run over on the way you been all these years. Their demands are for real. It is just to read the packaging. A nightmare for every man with sympathies.”

“You might think that the clause clearly says that V should be completely without influence in exactly the same way as the SD is just a joke? This is not the case. Later today, said Björklund: ”we do not negotiate with the parties, neither the SD or V”. “

“That he or Annie would risk further a svekdebatt is out of the question, it has the not afford. And simply thinks as bad about you as they think about Jimmie.”

“All the times you used me as a bat in the debate, it has been about profits in the welfare system. You have profiled yourself on the issue in recent years. It is your heart is telling you. Is it true? Do you care if it’s for real? “

“Lööf and Björklunds S is absolutely clear that the cuts vinstförbudet. If you really want to have a vinstförbud, you can’t release through a government that can guarantee that this will not be the case.”

“If you support a government that will implement it, you have no, absolutely no, credibility remains.”

“If you don’t, like me, enjoy the privilege with the lowered marginal tax rate, the abolition of war, and find it convenient with extended rutavdrag and like it, it would be a shame of immense proportions to support a bourgeois government which promised to implement precisely this.”

“I, as a capitalist in the construction industry like free rents in new construction. It will make me even richer. But do you really want it? If you do not want it, but yet supports a government that will implement it, you have no, absolutely no, credibility left.”

“I profitör will have the benefit of the withering away of the turordningsreglerna and the requirements of the collective agreement, I can make me of with pesky union workers proletarians. But do you think that it is good? You stand behind such a policy? If you don’t do it, but still lets through the policy, who are you then? Who do you see in the mirror?”

“For me, as the rich landowners, it is convenient to get rid of the people of the legwork on my beachfront property and picking mushrooms in my chips. Maybe it removed strandskyddet also gives at hand that I can build myself a small beach and a slightly longer brew. But is it me you want to benefit?”

“You have a historic opportunity to stand up for a different kind of politics than the one that favors the already privileged”

“We may never like each other, you and I, but I would give you all my respect if it turns out that you are genuine. That you say from. You are not afraid of a new election as the other krakarna to the party.”

“You have a historic opportunity to stand up for a different kind of politics than the one that favors the already privileged. A historic chance to show the people that there actually are politicians who stand up, have a backbone and a true belief. You also have an historic opportunity to go down in history as the biggest hypocrite american politics has seen in modern times. nyou choose.”

“nwith kind regards, Jan Emanuel”

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