”We urge the uk government to clarify its intentions when it comes to the next step as soon as possible.”, write the Tusk in a statement.

He also writes that the EU council will now continue to prepare for all now possible scenarios.

”We will continue our preparations for all outcomes, including a non-scenario. The risk of hard Brexit has increased with this vote, and we do not want that to happen, but we will be ready for it.

ms Margot Wallström (S) expresses disappointment over the vote on twitter:

”I regret the outcome of Brexitomröstningen in London. We hope for an orderly utträdeoch near future collaboration,” she writes.


Ann Linde (S) had jumped on a different result.

” this is very unfortunate, and unfortunately a step on the road to a disorderly exit from the EU. It is what we don’t really want to, it would be bad for Sweden for the Uk and the whole EU, ” she says to DN.

Ann Linde also says that it is difficult to say how large the possibilities to prevent a hard withdrawal is, however, that the agreement the UNION negotiated, are fixed and are the best.

“the hope is that somehow you should be able to hold a vote,” she says, but notes that the hope of a different outcome has decreased after today’s massive no:

” Precisely today, after this result, so it feels not so good. I feel a concern that it becomes a disordered agreements. But I really hope that you manage to solve it. The consequences are so large, we need an orderly exit, ” she says.

the EU and the trade minister, Ann Linde (S) regret the outcome of brexitomröstningen. Photo: PAUL HANSE, Paul Hansen

Jean-Claude Juncker has returned to Brussels, and in the morning expected new talks between the EU and Theresa May.

According to Ann Linde is the EU’s tool to get to an orderly withdrawal limited to clarify the details of the future relationship between the Uk and the EU, including the border with the republic of Ireland.

– It is possible that if one supports the May in the to show that it is a very good agreement, negotiated in a very long time so it is possible, she says to DN.

with ill-concealed dismay.

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, who in december took over as the leader of the German Christian democrats, CDU, after Angela Merkel thanked, speaks of a “sad night”. She had not expected that Theresa May would lose the vote by such a large margin.

– We now need to keep a cool head, even when it hurts in the heart, ” says the CDU leader, in a statement.

– Now we will see how things develop in London.

” she says, and highlights Germany’s position.

” of Course Germany plays a special role in Europe, and even in this discussion.

warn that the decision may have dramatic consequences for the German industry. “A chaotic Brexit twitches dangerously close to”, says BDI chief Joachim Lang, according to the magazine Der Spiegel.

The british business community are now at risk to go into a recession, which do not learn to go to Germany unnoticed, is it.

The German car industry’s trade association is calling on his side the decision for “political negligence”.