“Christmas, 2, fell down in deep well – great effort”

“Desperate rescue operation off Malaga in Spain”

“the Two year Christmas was on tour in Spain when he suddenly fell down into a 150 meters deep well.”

“Hundreds of rescuers have since last Sunday, the intensely fought to try to save the child.”

“the Last track after the boy is a bag of candy and a mug – 78 metres down the hole.”

“The two-year boy Christmas was on the excursion with his family outside Malaga in southern Spain on Sunday.”

“When they went over a farm in Totalán saw the father suddenly that the boy fell down in a hole – right in front of the eyes on him, according to Spanish media.”

“the Parents told me that they heard him cry in the first few hours, reports the newspaper ABC Sociedad. It is unclear how far down in the 150-meter deep well, which the boy stuck, but 78 metres to the bottom of the hole has discovered a bag of candy and a mug, according to the newspaper.”

“You don’t know if the well is filled with water at the bottom. At the same time, have the soil inside the pit is beginning to crumble – which plugs back parts of the hole.”

“One hundred people participating in Sunday in the intense rescue operation. The chances of getting up the boy alive is on the decrease – and-rescue service fighting against the clock.”

“the Spanish authorities are trying to take more and more desperate rescue measures. Among other things, you are thinking of drilling down into the ground, and then dig into to the well, from the side. The other option they have discussed is to use an excavator and hauling away the soil where you suspect that he is stuck.”

“But on Tuesday morning, had not yet succeeded in producing a few new signs of life, or other traces of the two-year-Christmas.”