There are more than ten years since the nobel prize winning scientist James Watson (90) raised disgust in the scientific community the world over with the statements that black people are less intelligent than whites.

Watson is regarded as one of the founders of modern genforskning, and was in 1962 awarded the nobel Prize together with two colleagues, to have discovered dobbeltspiral-the structure of DNA molecules.

In an interview with the Sunday Times in 2007, said Watson, that he looked with gloom at the Africa’s outlook, because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same level as our own, while all testing indicates that this does not match”.

He also said that he wanted all races to be treated equally, but that “people who have to live with black colleagues do not agree”.

After this he was removed from his position as scientific director, even after he with alternating anger lamented utspillene.

In an interview with Charlie Rose he said that he played out his role as a provocateur, and that he did not understand that they would reach the public.

PRIZE: Here is the then professor James Watson (right) with their forskningskolleger the reception at the nobel institute in Stockholm before the award of the nobel Prize in 1962. Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more

Since then, the statements have been used to promote right-wing extremist views, from several who believes he was unjustly attacked by the media.

did Not change the point of view

In 2014, was Watson the first nobel peace prize winner who sold the medal, according to him, although because of money problems after the controversial statements. It reported The Guardian.

Except as he has since 2007 held away from the media spotlight. Until now.

In the new documentary”American Masters: Decoding Watson”, which was broadcasted on the american tv-channel PBS 2. January, he had finally the opportunity to prove his frayed reputation. Instead, winds up to do the opposite.

According to The New York Times he is asked whether he has changed views on the relationship between race and intelligence.

– Not at all. I wish it, but I haven’t seen any new science that proves that the environment is more important than genes. And there is a difference between whites and blacks on IQ tests. The difference is genetic, ” he says.

He points out that he thinks it is bad that it is like that, but stand still for the statement.

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In a statement from the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, where Watson worked until he was fired in 2007, writes the chairman of the board Marilyn Simons and ceo Bruce Stillman that the laboratory takes distance from Watsons statements.

Dr. Watsons remarks are reprehensible, unscientific and represents in no way the laboratory’s attitudes. We condemn the abuse of science in order to legitimize prejudice.

They write that the statements in the documentary, in practice, pulls back the written unnskyldningene from 2007, and have therefore decided to take from him the forskertitlene he had left.

– Not scientific coverage

Several prominent genforskere The New York Times have talked with, agree that Watsons remarks are very unfortunate, and denies that there is research that supports his views.

– It is very disappointing that someone with so groundbreaking contribution to science, helping to cement such unscientific and harmful views, ” says the director of the U.s. national helseinstitutt, Dr. Francis Collins, The New York Times.

David Reich is genforsker at Harvard university, and has previously argued that separate populations may have led to a different development of cognitive abilities and behavior. Although he condemns this measure and believes that it guaranteed is wrong.

The New York Times has been in contact with several of the Watsons family members, who say that he did not have the opportunity to get with the response.

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