According to a study by the University of California to the South pole annually loses 252 billion tonnes of ice that is six times as much as in the 1980s. What is new is that in East Antarctica the ice is melting rapidly.

The melting ice in the Antarctic is according to a study faster than ever before. In the years 1979 to 2017, the melting ice have caused the South pole, a sea level rise of around one and a half inches, according to the study, which was published in the U.S. journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” (PNAS).


Since this process continue to move through global warming, expect it by the Antarctic “sea-level rise of several metres in the coming centuries,” said study author Eric Rignot, of the head of the Department of earth system research at the University of California, Irvine.

The Antarctic is losing, according to a study six times as fast ice, such as in the 1980s.

From 1979 to 1990 were melted according to the figures, in the year 40 billion tons of ice cut in the Antarctic. In the years 2009 to 2017, the annual Eisverlust amounted to 252 billion tons and thus more than six times.

Worries melting of ice in the East Antarctic

Even more troubling, the study authors that in areas in the East Antarctic is also a lot of ice melted. You were previously immune to global warming. “This Region is probably assumed to be more sensitive to the climate than traditional, and this is important to know, because it has even more ice than West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula”, warn the researchers in the study.

most of The ice in the Antarctic, there are by far in the East. If all the ice would melt, would rise the sea level by almost 52 meters. The complete melting of the abundance of ice in the West Antarctic, the increase would be, however, at around 5.20 meters. Therefore, the East should be dedicated to the Antarctic now “greater attention”, – stated in the study.

For the study, had used the scientists so far the longest studies on the Antarctic ice. They are based on high-resolution aerial images of the NASA, as well as satellite data from several space agencies.

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