the Italian interior minister and deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini and the president of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro has been easy to work together and understand each other. It took no more than two weeks after that, Bolsonaro took office, so was the delivery clear. And Bolivia, where the 64-year-old terrorist Battisti fled, sat down not crosswise. Immediate extradition and direct flights to Rome’s Ciampino airport, where Cesare Battisti landed just before lunch on Monday.

Cesare Battisti can be directly linked to four murders in Italy in the years 1978-79. He has kept himself hidden in Paris and in Mexico. In Brazil, he has served a seven-year prison sentence. He has written crime novels, married and had children. In 2004, he fled to Brazil. For decades, Italy has been trying to get him extradited. Brazil has always said that it concerned crimes committed for more than 20 years ago and is therefore time barred.

suddenly it was so easy to leave out he is a terrorist, who escaped from a specialfängelse in Italy, already in 1981, is the political mean, Matteo Salvini.

”Without a political change in Brazil, Bolsonaro so would this arrest have not taken place. Today we have a different political climate and Italy’s role has been central”, tweeted Matteo Salvini before he went to the airport where he promised to be at the place to see Battisti step of the.

Already on Sunday, when Cesare Battisti was arrested, declared minister of the interior Salvini his joy that, ”this communist killer”, as he calls him, had been detained. Salvini also sent a big thank you for the help to the president of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro.

on life sentence for Cesare Battisti, a criminal. It remains to be seen. After all, there have been more than 40 years ago the murder was committed.

The Italian prosecutor Armando Spataro in Milan has devoted to Cesare Battisti, a lot of time. He says in the newspaper Corriere della Sera that a long sentence is justified because the terrorist Battisti never shown the slightest remorse over the four murders he was involved in. Battisti had on Monday moved to the isolated prison of Oristano in Sardinia.

The political debate in the future will largely be about why the previous centre-left governments led, inter alia, by the democratic party (Pd) failed to obtain the Battisti extradition. And if the question is at all a priority enough?