OSLO (Dagbladet): – First and foremost, you’ll need short-term goals if you want to keep in shape. Motivation is my drive running is the competition. If it was that way that I just should have had the world CHAMPIONSHIPS in October as a goal, it would have been difficult to motivate themselves to it, ” says Jacob, Spoken to the Newspaper.

Ingebrigtsen set a lot of goals. His major goal in 2019 is the law the world cup in Doha. But this article is about his tips for all the other “regular people” who want to stay in shape, and what goals they should set themselves.

– I would rather say: Now there comes a new competition in February. Then you should focus on it and try to make the best possible there. The world cup is what applies to me, but the short-term plans and to create goals against the next I’ll be on, is important.

In connection with the fact that it is a new year with new opportunities, many as a new year’s resolution to exercise more. Ingebrigtsen believes there is one thing you should avoid in connection with this.

EXPLAIN: Jacob Ingebrigtsen in conversation with the Newspaper at home in Sandnes. Photo: Carina Johansen Show more

– Many people go on a bang and to train every day. It is not a good idea. If you start at “scratch”, you should create goals. It can be to start with to work out every Sunday up to a certain date. So one can increase to a few more sessions, before finally trainer every other day. Short-term goals is the key. And even if you don’t have so much thing in training it is easy to find information on the Internet to make a plan.

– You will need to make a or else, afterwards you should see through the plan and see what you got out of it, and what you can do better for next time.

Jacob Ingebrigtsen also shares concrete tips to a session he believes people can do to keep in shape.

So is the session:

Heating : 10 minutes jog. Quiet speed, no point in making that effort. Just focus on getting the body warm.

Body : 5×3 minutes at decent intensity. Treminutterne should have higher pace than a jog. The pace should increase gradually from one series to another. One minute break between the five series. Control the intensity yourself, but if you have the capacity to it is it only running at high speed.

Termination : 10 minutes nedjogg, leisurely pace.

This session is a straightforward way to keep in shape. You spend maybe 35-40 minutes total, it depends on how long the breaks are. A session like this, you get pretty good effect. Saturday morning coach, we will always be hard, then we have this session with treminutterne on Saturday afternoon to “wash out” from the session earlier in the day.

– You will get the great effect of such a session. Especially if you increase the speed from time to time. I’m going to do this a lot when I’m done with friidrettskarrieren.

This is a session for hobbymosjonister. When Jacob Ingebrigtsen driver with the sport, it is everything else than on hobbynivå.

And at the same time as he keeps on with friidrettskarrieren he also sisteåret at Sandnes upper secondary school close by where he lives.

MASTER: Jacob Ingebrigtsen had a fantastic year last year. Recently, he also won the “performing price” and “year’s breakthrough” at the Idrettsgallaen. Photo: Carina Johansen / NTB Scanpix Show more

Now he is in time with the last half of the year at the school. It is, in other words, hectic times for the european.

Such is a typical day in Jacob’s life right now:

06.55: Stand up .

I should have been up 25 minutes before, but am so lucky that I have a treadmill in your dorm room. After that I stand up I go into the kitchen, take a banana and some drinks, before I work out in one hour.

08.15-15.15: School .

I go a minor at Sandnes upper secondary school. In the course of skoletida I go often to the physio. We go to the treatment to heal and make the body ready. There is a lot of stress in much of what we do. That I have to go out of school to get with me fysiotimer is an important part of the initiative. We have an agreement with Sandnes half of whatsoever there we go to Steffen Vassbø, which is often on training camps and things like that. He helps with the needles. We feel that it has a great effect to get the type of treatment, but we had not taken the treatment if we had not penetrated it.

15.30: Come home, eat before the workout.

17/18-20: Training

After the last training is it home to eat. Then I put me. School I don’t have as much time to except that I am present at school.

Jacob Ingebrigtsen has been of age: – Must be accountable for their sins