Football judgment of the Antwerp court of appeal where judge George Raskin challenged, it must be broken. That has the public prosecutor general at the court of cassation on Tuesday claimed. According to the public prosecutor-general, the court of appeal is not answered to any of the arguments of the federal public prosecutor’s office and the judgment, therefore, is not properly motivated.

According to master Hans Rieder, acting for referee Bart Vertenten, could Raskin research is not, in all objectivity. While he is the police investigation led, he was also in the licensing committee of the Football association. Rieder had a wrakingsverzoek in. The result: the Antwerp Court of Appeal ruled that Raskin partiality could seem.

Too late

The federal public prosecutor’s office had argued that the defence of referee Bart Vertenten the investigating judge had barred, in particular after they first had met with the same examining magistrate. That conversation showed, according to the federal public prosecutor’s office that the defense at that time and trust in the independence and objectivity of the examining magistrate.