The increase is striking. Last year, air travelers have offset via Myclimate voluntary flight emissions, to the extent of 32’000 tons, as the Foundation, based in Zurich confirmed. In comparison to 2017, an increase of 13 000 tonnes, respectively, 68 percent, compared to 2014, more than tripling. The growth of Myclimate explains with the heat of the summer of 2018, the 1.5-degree report of the intergovernmental panel on climate change IPPC last autumn, as well as the CO2 debate in the national Assembly in the winter session. “The public focus has been located, especially in the second half of the year on climate issues,” says Kai Landwehr, spokesperson from Myclimate. A role-play that now more people knew about the compensation decision.

Only every hundredth flight

is As well the result: Even so, only about one-hundredth flight from Switzerland will be offset via Myclimate CO2, as Landwehr says. Although there are other providers, but these are in Switzerland compared to Myclimate smaller. At the trend, nothing will change, therefore, In the large majority of airline passengers do not want to increase the cost of their travel to climate protection. To clarify: A flight Zurich–London return in Economy Class will cost with the optimal search, and lead time is fast even just 40 Swiss francs. The travelers for its flight emissions, decides, at least half to compensate with a climate protection project in Switzerland, he pays for this route is 35 Swiss francs; in the case of a pure foreign compensation, there are 11 francs more.

The low willingness to pay contrasts with the result of a representative Tamedia-survey, which the “Sunday newspaper” reported at the end of December. Accordingly, 70 per cent of the population are in favour of an air ticket levy, which would depending on the length of the flight between 12 and 50 francs. A similar result of a representative survey conducted by the research Institute GFS Zürich come.

As a reaction to the Tamedia survey SVP national councillor Christian Imark said at the time that it surprise him that a plane ticket tax on first glance, adequately. With the new Numbers from Myclimate confronted, he confirmed: “the survey results are not to be confused with a popular vote.” The result of the Ballot reflected a multi-week argument about a topic. Imark refers to the Fair Food Initiative, which enjoyed, according to a few weeks before the vote, polls, an approval of nearly 80 percent, but clearly failed.

Green an Initiative

That the population would reject it in a ballot for a flight ticket tax, is not said. It may come in the next few years to the practice test. The Parliament should not take the ticket levy to the new CO2-law, want to help the Green with a popular initiative for a breakthrough. On Saturday, the delegates of the party have to approve an application. The Executive Board of the party will now draw up a Constitution text, and other organizations to contact, together with the launch of a national initiative to prepare.

not Yet decided how this levy would need to be configured: as a steering levy, which is distributed as the CO2 levy on fuel to the population and the economy (the majority of) back? In the foreground is a other version: is the Green the money from the levy directly to climate protection projects – as in the case of Myclimate. “This would increase the acceptance for filing”, national councillor Bastien Girod (Green). He admits that such a levy would reduce the number of flights, “only a little”. “But, after all, would thus be guaranteed that the CO2 would offset emissions.”

pricing is yet to be developed

But the acceptance of such a charge the people would be enough? The current low willingness-to-pay evidence, as the compensation costs are for overseas flights is significantly higher than for European flights. A return flight to New York in Economy Class is more expensive, and depending on the choice of CO2-compensation project with Myclimate up to 209 francs, in the case of Manila and Buenos Aires are up to 359, respectively, 393 Swiss francs. Too expensive for the majority of the population? Girod says that exact pricing and requirements for the compensation must establish the initiative Committee. President Regula Rytz added: “a Lot of people tell me they would compensate, but only if it all the other did. You alone could have the effect of nothing, there had to be a fair rule for all.”

compensation donations

simplifies The Lufthansa and its subsidiary Swiss working since 2007 with Non-Profit-Organisation Myclimate as a Partner for voluntary Climate. Passengers who have purchased online a plane trip, will be asked after the completion of the booking, whether you want to calculate the CO2 emissions they cause, and compensate. If the customer wishes, he will be redirected to a new page. He decides in favour of the climate protection payment, it must trigger a further payment process. This additional expenditure is, according to the assessment of Myclimate is an important reason that the vast majority of the passengers waived to offset their flight emissions. “A complete Integration in the booking process would change this,” Myclimate-speaker Kai Landwehr convinced and speaks of a “huge step” towards more climate protection.

Whether this assessment is correct, it will show soon: How the Swiss confirmed, customers of the Lufthansa group, the Swiss book, the Myclimate offset in the future as other offers for the flight, and in a single step, can settle. The Lufthansa group wants to introduce the innovation in the next few months. For all other airlines, the passengers who want to offset their emissions will have to take the detour via the Website of Myclimate. (sth)

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 14.01.2019, 09:08 PM