– For a little over 3 years ago, everything was in perfect order. I had an ordinary life with work, kids and an active life.

– But the good should show up soon to turn the…

so begins Morten l from Elsinore a letter to the editor of Ekstra Bladet to feel let down by the system, you have relied on all his life – what he calls ’The Danish Model. As you can read, Morten only met with adversity and resistance, and when he on Wednesday, will lose his current place to live, there is only street back. The municipality says that he must find a home, but it is hard when you are on social assistance.

morten’s letter – which he sent along with a paycheck, from the time when it went well – continues as follows:

– It started with that I got hurt in the back the pga. of my job. Like all other men, I thought that it just had to run away… But no.

– Before that I was raskmeldt at my job I got 2 blood clots in the heart, with associated balloon angioplasty in the coronary artery.

– It resulted in I absolutely had to give up to continue… in my job.

– in Addition, I have got gum disease and periodontal disease, which represents an expense of over 30 000 kr. I must pay 35 % of them., but where should the money come from when one is on the kontakthjælp?

The municipality I live in ( Elsinore ), have not done anything over the 3 years. No plans, solutions, or suggestions They could come up with.

– I have also had contact with an individual advisor, who could only refer me to my caseworker.

-I’m boligløs about 5 days and just got to know that I also must have changed my hip out in both sides.

– In my everyday life I live with great pain, and sometimes can not go.

– It may well seem like a ”complaint-song” it here… but unfortunately it is reality for me.

My question is then; How is it that the Danish model is to any help for me? Is it not just a lot of empty words and intentions, writes Morten, who would want to hear, whether he is the only one who feels that the Danish model has failed – and if there is someone who has a cheap apartment/housing in Elsinore municipality.