Royalty James Middleton (31), brother of Kate Middleton, has in an opinion piece for the Daily Mail, told about his struggle with depression. He writes about his darkest thoughts, how he committed suicide considering the medical help he since a year.

“I had to myself to work, drag you down to there with glassy eyes to my computer screen to stare at. I was hoping that the hours pass quickly would tap so I back home could drive,” reads his story. “It had me in its power. I couldn’t answer the most simple of messages so I did my mailbox will not open. I could not communicate, not even with my family and best friends. You may wonder why I have them not in trust took, but it was impossible to have that against my loved ones to tell.”

“I know that I have been blessed and live a life full of privileges live. But that made me not immune to depression. It is difficult for that disease to describe. It is not just sad. It is a disease, a cancer in your mind.”

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