HERNING, denmark (Ekstra Bladet): Excellent day! Nikolaj Øris was the father of a son at. 00.06 night to Monday – 20 hours later played him in the WORLD cup match against Saudi Arabia after three hours of sleep.

– well I will admit that the longer we got into the fight, the trættere I was also. It is perhaps true that one should remember to get his night’s sleep. I have only slept from five to eight in the morning, and then I reached a nap in the afternoon, he says, and smiles in there behind the kæmpeskægget.

Nikolaj Øris played on top of that – as one of the few – a reputable struggle.

– Where were you strongest at. In the delivery room or here?

– It must be in the delivery room. It went completely according to plan, and my son got well and safe into the world, says the 32-year-old BSV-back, who scored five of eight. And kept awake in 40 minutes…

I was called yesterday afternoon around noon. 14, and so I had to go home to Kristina with the same. The water was gone, but the contractions had not started, so it was actually quiet and calm. We spent most of the evening and the night at Viborg hospital, Kristina gave birth at. 00.06, and we were home by firetiden in the night, says Nikolaj Øris and adds:

– I am glad to hit the bed! But to have a son and play a WORLD cup match on the same day, it is okay.

– Should the boy be named after someone in the WORLD cup camp?

– I call him fand’me not Mikkel, it is completely safe. I have chosen NOT to name him after someone on the national team, it is completely safe.

– what was it like to play fight with so little sleep?

– First of all it was nice, I could be allowed to go home and be with for the birth. It was a high priority, and I had full focus on the to be with to get my son into the world, and it was a big experience. But when I met into the camp later in the afternoon, there was also a full focus on playing handball.

– I hope, there will be a hole or two to take home and say hello. I also have a son of two years, just to keep track of. My gf has plenty to see to, ” says Nikolaj Øris, residing at Silkeborg, denmark do not have much to Do.

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What I love most in this world is my family, and it makes me even more happy to be the father of 2❤️ #familyfirst

A post shared by Nikolaj Øris (@nikolajoris)

He acknowledges that the fight was a weird time misk-mask:

– It was a bit of a marmalade. There were good periods and others where it was not so good. Saudi Arabia does not play the most motivating handball, but they got enough out of what they wanted – namely, to drag the tempo out of the match and our defense down in tempo. We were in the periods not good enough to solve.

– were you Thinking of the family along the way?

– I saw my brother at the end of the fight, so then I thought since on my family. No, of course I had handball in focus, and I talked with them at home just before the match and got to know that everything was as it should be, says Nicholas Øris.

He will well admit, that it has been a little weird – even for her – to share familieforøgelsen with the entire nation.

I was glad there was someone on the fødegangen after all!

Handball – 14. jan. 2019 – at. 19:06 watch out, Denmark! Now comes the 125 kilo the alpine express