“The left party is the only one who takes responsibility”

“the social democrats are no longer a labour party.”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“Hypocrisy is a well worn word, but what do you call the social Democrats and mittenpartiernas circle dance around the Party? It is V’s responsibility, says the man, not The sweden democrats to get influence in Swedish politics. Why must V vote for a deal that will double the SD’s väljarunderlag. For that is what would be the consequence of the policies that Löfven negotiated.”

“We need to stand up for what we want Sweden to be”, says Stefan Löfven. What is the meaning of such wording, when he in the same breath says that the new tax policy allows scope for reform is minimal? There really aren’t any in Löfvens proximity that may explain why parties like SD is growing in all countries and on all continents at the same time?”

“If it really is SD that everyone is so afraid of, should the Left gain more influence in Swedish politics. There is more democracy and reduced disparities that turn aside the legs for högerpopulismen. Not tripled rutavdrag, unlimited vinstuttag and tax cuts for those who already have more than they need.”

“It is, therefore, of the Left right now is the only party in Sweden which takes responsibility for the country. They say no to the right wing excesses that Stefan Löfven and the rodney king during an arrest agreed. They say no to a policy that increases the economic and social inequalities, which increase insecurity in the workplace and make it more difficult for ordinary people to have reasonable rents. V is also now the only party that takes responsibility for labour law, which is just as much in middle class interest as all the others.”

“in Short: V stop the social democrats – who, from now on, no longer can be counted as the labor party, the left or red or even modern in any sense – from pushing through a class politics of syndicalists wearing 1910, the century mark.”

“the Left has only the responsibility for a single thing: That there should be some sort of left-wing opposition in Sweden. Jonas Sjöstedt must therefore stand for what he said at the press conference. The steady voice couldn’t hide the soft-boiled to the wording of the förnedringsklausulen that V shall not get any influence over the direction of policy in the coming four years. It must under all circumstances remove. It is not there for no reason.”

“Sjöstedt notice commits not to V, after some negotiations with the Leaves, still goes with most of the time. It is specifically left-wing politics which the party’s voters and sympathizers expect. Not a counselling sessions before turned on the tv cameras and microphones. “