a chess player sacrificing a pawn, if you have something Bigger in mind. The pawn sacrifice to clear the playing field and ideally leads to victory. Track boss Richard Lutz plays chess very well. At the beginning of the 80s, he was playing youth Vice-champion and the Pfalz champion, later in the 2. Bundesliga. The 54-Year-old knows the rules – on the Board and in the largest German state-owned company, whose chief he is since 2017.

When Lutz hits this Tuesday morning at 7 a.m. the Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) to the crisis call, it will go probably also a pawn sacrifice. If it’s bad for the rail-head, it could make him self in the coming months. The Federal government has Bigger in mind: they expected from the group – tip is a concept that aims to make the Deutsche Bahn (DB) fast – best already in the course of the year is more profitable, timely and viable. In the coalition agreement, the CDU and the SPD all have formulated ambitious rail policy objectives. Now it is time to implement them. Late the Minister has recognized that in the case of rail transport, more needs to happen as a political Declaration of intent. After all, the Railways are to double the number of its passengers by 2030.

Late Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) has recognised that in the case of rail transport, more needs to happen than in the past.Photo: Fabrizio Bensch/rtr

However, the current state of the rail group makes such plans for the future back in the distant future. Not only are the customers unhappy because, for example, only every fourth long-distance train is on time, but also many of the world’s more than 300 000 employees. Competence and power-wrangling, bureaucracy, and unclear responsibilities – internal organization that it can’t. The railway, with its 700 shareholdings and in shares of companies organized areas of the business, in its own way.

Richard Lutz is not expected, therefore, alone in the Ministry of transport. It Infrastructure Director Ronald Pofalla, chief financial officer Alexander Doll, and long-distance transport, the Board of management Berthold Huber to accompany. For all Concerned it comes to much. Ex-Chancellery chief Pofalla, has distinguished itself as an assertive power Board, and politically is excellent wired is still always acted as a possible Lutz-successor – as long as he makes no major mistakes. As a “crisis Manager” should he jump, according to Reports in the Lutz in the short term. Huber, friendly-overwhelmed with the Chaos in the passenger transport, urgently needs a success of experience and supporters, if he wants to keep his Post. And Doll, it is only since the beginning of the year in the office, has to answer a set of figures, the growing debt, loss of shops and shrinking market shares.

Ex-Chancellery chief Ronald Pofalla, is still considered as a candidate for rail-to – peak as long as he makes no major mistakes.Photo: REUTERS

Richard Lutz struggles of life no less than his entire profession. The Palatinate was started 25 years ago in the case of the railway, as the railway reform of the Federal railway was a joint stock company. From a workers family, the Lutz has been chief from the Controller to the Finance and then as Chairman of the Board. Communicative, authentic, modest, – so employees experience him. In the Public Lutz, however, is hardly known, in a Talk-Show, hard to imagine. Followers of Rüdiger Grube, he was in March of 2017, more from embarrassment, because the owner could find no other candidates. Diligently and dutifully as a CFO, he showed it to the public unimpressed.

upon taking office, he described his Job as “difficult”. At the latest, in the fall of 2018, the chief had to recognize that the “colorful Load,” Deutsche Bahn demanded the whole of his Can. “The situation is serious,” wrote Lutz in an internal, quickly in the Public launch of fire, the letter to the own team.

New course and fresh money

it is Clear now: It’s more than a Manager post and group tags. The DB needs a new course – and again more money. Lutz will be required to be submitted to the Supervisory Board in November with a relentless 200-page “Agenda for a better railway”, for the implementation of the expensive wage settlements of nearly five billion euros in addition. Scheuer and the experts of the governing parties CDU and SPD, the Deputy group heads will meet on the crisis on Tuesday will take part, know all the plans and Numbers for months. Because in the 20-member Supervisory Board, the politicians are represented in the workers ‘ Bank strong, including the Scheuers, state Secretary Guido Beermann. Also Chairman of the Supervisory Board Michael Odenwald was many years in the Ministry.

For the Ruling may be the undesirable developments, therefore, no Surprise, also if so is it done. The Problem: the Union and the SPD have Long been at odds over long-needed structural reforms. Now, however, the pressure to act is growing. So, how should it go further? The danger is that the coalition is content, a lack of Agreement again with the stopper of the biggest financial holes and some of the tags, and real reforms for a real shift in Traffic to Rail failure.

Arriva-sale and expansion of the Board, is likely to

the DB-in-chief Lutz wants to first streamline the structures, the Board of Directors to manage the operational business in the future, and eight people increased. Could move up as the head of DB Cargo AG, Roland Bosch, and another Manager for the long Distance or regional traffic, which will share the area with Berthold Huber.

it is probable that the sale of the British Arriva, the Bus and rail shops abroad are controlled is valid for months. This could get 3.5 to four billion euros. Under Rüdiger Grube, DB had purchased the British for about three billion Euro. Arriva employs 55 000 people. With 5.3 billion euros, the daughter brings nearly one-eighth of the DB group’s turnover and contributes a 301 million Euro to the profit before interest and taxes (EBIT) of the last 1.67 billion euros.

More about

DB-Board of management member of Pofalla is a crisis Manager at Deutsche Bahn

A sale of the business abroad would not improve the economic situation only in the short term, but in the longer term, my critics. The year-long failures of revenge now, because more and working trains can not be conjured, and it is expensive and tedious, to eliminate the many bottlenecks in the state-owned rail network that was neglected for a long time.