A crashed truck, set on Monday an end to the traffic on the great belt Bridge.

112 – 14. jan. 2019 – at. 12:06 New on the great belt Bridge

Although the truck Monday night is removed, then the queue not yet entirely dissolved, and it gives rise to minor accident, when motorists do not keep a safe distance to the vehicles ahead.

– People are not aware of vehicles in front, or broken-down vehicles. We have had three or four minor accidents, and each time, there comes such a, as being the queue a little longer, say vagtchef by Sydsjællands Police Søren Østervig.

The minor accidents in the queue have been Sydsjællands Police to the keys on Twitter, where they ask the road users to exercise caution in the queue, so as not to cause more accidents.

‘Multiple vehicles crashed after the closure of the bridge in the past. Also several small crashes. Queue back to afk. 40A. We ask for increased attention!! NOW RUN ACCORDING to the SITUATION’, wrote Sydsjællands Police a little after o’clock on the 18th on Twitter.

It was evidently not enough to get motorists to take better care of, for about an hour and a half later, the police again to come up with a call.

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great belt bridge, was earlier on Monday blocked in the direction towards the island of Funen, and the queue is not yet entirely settled on the Vestmotorvejen.

– three quarter time ago, there was still seven-eight-kilometre queue. But it loosens itself all the time a little. We have a hope that it is soon dissolved, says Søren Østervig.

It is not only because of the queue, that the police are asking motorists to be aware of. It is also for their own safety and for the safety of those working on the line.

– It is a hope that the people will be a little attention, so we can get everyone home safe and sound, says vagtchefen.