The Staatskapelle Dresden, is almost as famous as the Semper Opera house – but even older than the building in which it occurs, 470 years. Their members are very proud of, as well as on their distinctive, deep in the history of music-rooted sound. If the Sächsische Staatskapelle, with its principal conductor Christian Thielemann, for example, the “spring Symphony” by Robert Schumann lists, then the impression is not how, otherwise, that here the sun shines through the fresh Green. Rather you see before the inner eye a seedling, the will have to dig laboriously through the black, moist earth to the light of day. What is not effective but cumbersome, but quite organic, close to nature. Every sound has weight in this orchestra. Their tonal density, the dark coloration of the interplay of the musicians as particularly German.

In a classical world, which is hugely international, and, quite naturally, people from different countries and cultural backgrounds sit together in the orchestras, this is quite a unique feature. And a selling point. That’s why it has the Dresden Philharmonic orchestra, the other orchestra in the city, at the same time difficult and easy. The splendor of the state throws the chapel, of course, long shadow from which the competition occurs. The other is the past. fell in love with Florence on the Elbe, but quite a weight of care, that is, a classical music ensemble, the content is open, and stylistically nimble tolerate the persistent tradition

The new concert hall, the conductor convinced

Of Marek Janowski, the Dresden Philharmonic is hoping for a decisive impetus. After 16 successful years with the radio Symphony orchestra of Berlin, the 1939-born conductor had to accept actually not a chef’s position. However, the new Dresden concert hall, which was inserted two years ago, in the ancient Palace of culture from the times of the GDR, has swayed him. A “throw” is called Janowski, which is created according to the plans of the office of Gerkan, Marg und Partner as a modern Interpretation of the Weinberg-principle of the Berlin Philharmonic. “I love this room, really, the proportions are managed,” says the conductor. “Also, he has a oversized – in spite of the 1800 seats.”

At the live concert with Janowski and the Dresden Philharmonic in the Palace of culture is the impression of the sound amazing, the orchestra acts acoustically enormously present, even in the rank one has the feeling to be very close to it. And surprisingly, those groups of instruments, and the seats far in the back of penetration, particularly effortlessly to your ear. The clarity that allowed the audibility of the hall of the conductor in the area of the Soft finest gradations. Fortissimo eruptions appear again, never gaudy, but appropriately filling the space. The full cast, is one has almost the impression of the waves of sound lapped. For a Sound engineer, such as Marek Janowski, enormous possibilities open up.

A man of strict principles

that’s Why the Maestro from the fall of 2019 binds for the second Time now at the Dresdner Philharmonie. The first collaboration was not very happy, but this was exclusively to the city. You funded the orchestra, and the responsible politicians had said Janowski in his contract to build a new, to the needs of the classic tailored ballroom. But as soon as the Maestro in Dresden had started, there was no more talk. Because Marek Janowski, however, is a man of strict principles, he gave up his in the autumn of 2001, taken a Job two years later. “It was difficult to accept, for me to not have something in the contract, what is the meeting then,” he commented on the matter. For its musicians, however, he was sorry. “That’s why I told you: if you ever get a new room – and I didn’t believe in it, then I would like to come back as a guest.”

That’s what he did after the re-opening in 2017 – and was even persuaded to re-chief, then at the age of 80 years. The contract runs three years, with extension option. “That depends on how I feel health,” emphasizes Janowski. “If I don’t have even the hint of an idea it is, then I stop. If it takes but with the orchestra is a good development and I see that my mental and physical powers, why not to go here a bit longer?“

For the Second. Marek Janowski is in August, again in Dresden chief conductor.Photo: Oliver Killing

For eight dual programs and a couple of special concerts each season he has committed, and he will cover the whole Repertoire of the Viennese classical period up to Contemporary. Since he has a high work ethic: “I have always worked for the representation of contemporary music in my programs, although I am of the tendency to ,Verkopftheit’ the music of our time, very reserved,” he says. “Modern music is, and a problem remains for the public at large. With the quality of the performances must, should and we want to convince our listeners that an engagement with this music is important and rewarding.“

Legendary Janowskis reputation primarily as an orchestral educator. As a Maestro, in Detail, nothing can go through. “If I’m one thing pretty sure, then, that I can make an orchestra better,” he says self-consciously. By sample efficiency: “Since I belong to the old school – I don’t go around chatting in front of the orchestra. I give technical advice. What I can show, I don’t have to explain verbally, so I learned it as a young Kapellmeister in Cologne, Düsseldorf and Hamburg.“ Because of the individual musician has only his own voice to the conductor, especially in the case of complex scores as the sole leadership role: “This is only once – so if you want a driving service. Because it comes to precision, tonal balance, and much more. In the concert, I’m only free to do something spontaneously different, if the precision of the base is totally safe.“

The Dresden Philharmonic wants to be a German heavy weight

What is hoped for the Dresden Philharmonic in addition to effective samples, and artist meet of performances by Marek Janowski, is also supra-regional awareness, an increase in the visibility of the orchestra. “In certain stylistic areas of the Philharmonic is to be perceived in the future as a German heavy weight”, defined as the Maestro of the common goal. “I can help. Unknown I’m not.“ Regular guest performances in the German Music metropolises such as Cologne, Munich and Berlin are planned to be used.

And also the conditions on the ground voices: There’s the new hall, as the 116 plan, the Janowski are contractually guaranteed. From this “luxury situation” the intra-urban competition, good attack, so the proud Saxon state chapel with its dazzling head, Christian Thielemann. Even if Mark Janowski formulated the diplomatic. “It’s not up to me to make external quality comparisons. Both the orchestra had already in GDR times, their loyal listeners. But in the meantime, a permeability is become conceivable between the audience groups. And then, of course, comparisons to.“

More about

Sächsische Staatskapelle, Thielemann remains until 2024 chief conductor in Dresden

info on the orchestra Marek Janowski conducts the 30. January to 1. February the Berliner Philharmoniker at 24. February, he is coming with the WDR Symphony orchestra Cologne, the Philharmonie.