So has the unimaginable occurred. The deal between the social democrats, the green Party, the Centre party and the Liberals – with the possible acceptance of the Left – devoid of respect for the democratic system.

It can hardly have been these political consequences that the voters who voted for the four parties concerned.

expected tax cuts, a reform of labour law and the possible abolition of the public employment service.

those who voted in favour of C and L related to an alliance with P and MP is not likely. Is it not reasonable that those who vote for a political party has an idea what policies the party will operate on?

Equally inconceivable is that the S, MP, C and L, by its conduct, to the exclusion of all teacher, actor, nurses, painters, and docenters votes on V or SD. It creates a political contempt and undermine democracy when political parties exclude more than one in four voters.

it has elitist overtones, since it itself considers itself to possess the truth and what is best for the voters. Such an approach, and actions can only be justified by the fact that it considers that all of these people’s opinions are characterized by ignorance or lack of information.

In my naïvety I believed that this approach and behaviour lay outside of our democratic party system. The approach is människoförnedrande and will in a longer perspective, to feed the racism, extremism, and a more totalitarian approach.