Trump-Alarm in Ankara. As the US President of Turkey threatened on Monday night via Twitter with economic devastation, picked up the duty officer in the Turkish capital rapidly Ibrahim Kalin from the bed.

around three o’clock in the morning, Turkish time, the speaker and the security Advisor of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sent a replica on the Trump in the world, which had criticized the Turkish attack plans in Syria. The American policy on Syria was a “fatal mistake,” wrote Kalin. But behind the Scenes, the outlines of a possible solution of the dispute between the United States and Turkey.

The Kurdish militia For America is a Partner for the Turkey terrorists

Trumps Tweet made the Turkey unprepared. In recent days, Erdogan had discussed-government, US Secretary of state Michael Pompeo discreet possible ways out of the intractable Situation in Northern Syria.

There, Turkish and American interests collide. While the United States will want to consider the Kurdish militia YPG as an important Partner in the fight against the “Islamic state” and Kurdish fighters, even after the planned withdrawal of the 2000 U.S. soldiers from the area to protect, followed by the Turkey, the YPG fighters as terrorists.

Last week, had Trumps government is trying, the Turkey, the commitment out of the YPG not to attack. But Ankara rejects the. About 80,000 Turkish soldiers stand ready to Report to government-related media on the border with Syria.

wait for the command, on the territory of the neighboring country to push forward and to expel the YPG from the border region even before the American soldiers go home. Talks between the Turkish and American military, in which an attempt should be made to avoid escalation, to go this week.

the price of The Turkish Lira is collapsing

In the tense Situation Trumps Twitter warning to Turkey as a provocation had. “Will devastate the Turkey economically, if they attack the Kurds,” he wrote. The price of the Turkish Lira against the US Dollar and the Euro fell on Monday prompt.

Only a few months ago, Trump had shown that he is quite willing, even against a Nato Partner as the Turkey economic coercive measures. In the dispute at the time in Turkey is imprisoned U.S. Pastor Andrew Brunson, Washington imposed some import duties against Ankara, which reinforced the catastrophic loss of value of the Turkish Lira. After Brunson’s release in October, the sanctions were lifted.

a new economic war now Threatens? Turkey would not allow itself to be intimidated, said foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. His country would do, despite the U.S. warnings, “the Necessary”, – said the Minister with a view to a possible invasion in Syria. Also, am not a member of it for strategic partners to talk via Twitter to each other, taught Cavusoglu the American President.

Donald Trump Turkey threatens openly.Photo: Leah Millis/Reuters

The new armed fodder for the America-apathy. The Turkey should respond to Trump on the field of battle, called ExGeneral Fahri Erenel in the Online edition of the Erdogan-middle newspaper “Yeni Safak”. But beyond the rhetorical bluster solution to suggest possibilities.

Trump himself spoke of the establishment of a “protection zone of 20 miles”. So he obviously meant the creation of a buffer zone in Northern Syria along the Turkish border. The Zone was an old proposal of Turkey, which had so far always been rejected, said Cavusoglu.

Can end a buffer zone for the dispute?

in fact, Ankara has been calling for years for the establishment of a protection zone in Syria, has been abgebügelt of the United States. According to Turkish notions would have to YPG from the buffer zone and pull back. Then the most important reason for the would be threatened by Turkish Intervention from the table.

it is Unclear, however, whether the Kurdish fighters so that it would agree. Because they have a considerable part of their Autonomous zone in the North of Syria’s victims. Kurdish militiamen and weapons would have to be deducted from cities like Kobane, which lie directly on the border to Turkey.

President Erdogan is sticking to its announced Offensive against Kurdish militias in Syria.Photo: Umit Bektas/Reuters

is also still Open, as the buffer zone should be backed up. Ankara would like to send Turkish soldiers and their Syrian allies of the Free Syrian army (FSA) in the area, and then Syrian refugees from Turkey settle, but this Plan is likely to meet resistance from the Kurds.

That Turks and Americans suddenly discover their common interest in a buffer zone, not least due to the fact that both sides fear a loss of Influence in Syria. Turkey wants to be in power after the withdrawal of the US soldiers themselves a decisive procedure in Northern Syria.

What Assad wants to achieve

The United States are proficient in using the YPG so far, around a quarter of Syrian territory in the North-East of the country.

However, other players are pushing in the area. Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad and its Russian partners intend to take advantage of the situation of the Kurds for their own advantage. Because of the Turkish threat with an invasion and considering the US withdrawal had made a deal with the YPG in recent weeks, with the protection of Assad’s government in Damascus.

More about

a withdrawal of troops of the USA from Syria, Turkey rejects Trump-threat

YPG fighters have launched Kurdish said to be in the area around the town of Manbij on the Euphrates already joint patrols with Syrian and Russian soldiers. Manbij is one of the most important objectives of a possible Turkish military intervention.