Stefan Koskinen, Almega, appreciate the fact that we want to discuss kompetensutvecklingens significance for Las. He points to the Almega proposal to kompetensavdrag as a key. We have no reason in this context to have a say on exactly which model that should be advocated for to strengthen the employees ‘ right to training. Stefan Koskinen, pointing out that employers who fail to develop the skills of the staff (not a priority) at a drawdown more easily can keep the one you want. This counteracts both the employees ‘ security and the labour market needs of skills.

It is known by most employers and are therefore looking for support in the work of an employers ‘ organisation, of arbetsrättsjurister or HR experts from outside the company. For companies, this is a strong argument to join an employers ‘ association because they might get good guidance about how they should handle a uppsägningsprocess. Businesses with fewer than ten employees have an opportunity today to exempt two persons at each arbetsbristsituation.

We have, in this context, no direct feedback on how the reform of the turordningsreglerna should be done. It should customarily be preceded by investigation, preparation and in close dialogue with the social partners. Our main point is that such aspiration should be followed by the strengthening of the opportunities and rights of the individual to obtain the qualifications for the job and labour market needs.

and How the employer should have a workforce with the right skills, who are motivated to work and loyalty to their employers, is a much bigger issue than reforming the Las. At each change of key social system, one must make a trade-off between different effects.

Regardless of how the regulatory framework is developed, it must ensure that individuals are not treated arbitrarily or in such a way that it hinders their ability to continue to work and livelihood.

We do not believe that anyone really wants to have a regulatory framework that focuses on how ”weak individuals” in a company can be phased out. To only soften turordningsreglerna would be able to get such a list. It is in both the employees ‘and employers’ interest that the regulatory, educational and welfare systems, contributing to more can work and are attractive on the labour market, working lives. We perceive that Koskinen does not have any other idea.