In the Congo the dispute over the result of the presidential election. According to the election Commission defeated candidate, Martin Fayulu wants to challenge the election result in the constitutional court. The Commission should not publish the true results of each individual polling station, fear the outbreak of violence, said the opposition politicians on Friday in the British radio station BBC. With the situation in the Central African country, the UN security Council has addressed.

The UN panel came together on Friday in the short term, in New York. The German Ambassador to the UN, Christoph Heusgen called on all sides in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, desist from violence. The stability of the country was important for the whole Region and the African continent. The French Ambassador françois Delattre called on the authorities in the Congo to keep calm and prudence. The leaders should be able to find a national consensus.

France proposed that the security Council adopted a corresponding statement. Germany followed this request.

“Mr. Tshisekedi knows himself that he has not won”

Fayulu accused the official election winner, Félix Tshisekedi, also a member of the Opposition, to be the straw man of the outgoing President, Joseph Kabila. “Mr. Tshisekedi knows himself that he has not won,” said Fayulu. The deadline for the contest result, runs this Saturday. Seven days later, the judge must announce the final election result. In the election on 30. In December, there were numerous irregularities.

Fayulu called his chances in court are low, since most judges belong to the Kabila camp. However, he did not want to offer his opponents the chance of him breaking the law to blame. The preliminary result according to Tshisekedi got more than 38.5 percent of the vote, Fayulu of 34.8. The candidate of Kabila’s ruling party, ramazani was the photographer Shadary, received 23.8 percent. The simple majority rule, a runoff election is not provided for in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The police used during the riots live ammunition

The doubts about the validity of the result announced on Thursday in many cities, violent protests and riots triggered. At least eleven people came to the French international broadcaster RFI, killed. Police used the information, in addition to tear gas also sharp ammunition. On Friday, the situation in the cities of Kisangani and Kikwit, where the protests were particularly violent, for the time being, calmed down. The police showed a lot of presence.

Because of the tensions, the UN fears refugee Agency, UNHCR in the neighboring country of Zambia, a wave of refugees from the Congo. Currently would have already made arrangements for the arrival of up to 50,000 people. According to Amnesty International, more than 20,000 of the Congo have left since December already read your home. The dispute should escalate over the succession of the last 18 years of ruling Kabila, could increase the number of Congolese refugees in the Region by 2019 with more than a Million, warned the UNHCR.

More about

election result disputed Historical change in the Congo with many question marks

Markus Schönherr

doubt as to the result of the election had expressed on Thursday in addition to Fayulu, the Catholic bishops ‘ conference, the more than 40,000 observers stayed in the polling stations was created. The Church is called also to the renunciation of violence. (epd)