The liberal historian Arthur Schlesinger wrote in 1973, a widely acclaimed book entitled “The Imperial presidency”. The Power of the Executive branch, Schlesinger’s lawsuit, is increasingly become a threat, has long since exceeded the Intention of the American constitutional fathers.

Since then, the power of the President’s wealth continued to grow: George W. Bush moved the Nation in the cause lied in Iraq war, without him the Congress in the Parade would be dangers. And Barack Obama reigned decrees with a Wealth part of a questionable Executive order to bypass Republican Congress majorities.

Now, an escalation of presidential presumption: Donald trump lawyers, the legal basis for the proclamation of the national emergency prepare in the White house – to finally the wall on the border to Mexico to build. The Congress already approved the Pentagon-funds are to be diverted, the military build a border fortification that is rejected by the Democrats and in Congress, the required majority would be. He’ll explain “almost certainly the national emergency,” the President said on Thursday.

Video: trump’s speech to the Nation

Trump has gone astray

The Foundation for this step Trump and his Republican comrades-in-arms since the days, by summoning again, and again, a “humanitarian crisis” and a “threat to national security”, even if they exist on the southern border so But Donald Trump has lost his base and his Fans in the conservative media demand loudly the building at the border. Yield and the required $ 5.7 billion to the construction of the wall to abandon the urgency of a surrender, which can not afford the President in accordance with his estimation, political.

On Saturday the 22 to start. Day of the partial shutdown of the US government, the longest would be lame reached the Deposit of the state. Trumps theatrical efforts, to soften the Democrats, had no success, increasingly strange its deposits. He flew on Thursday to the border with Mexico, although he change in front of Familiar well-known, the Trip “fucking nothing”, reflects the deadlock.

As a way out, only the proclamation of a state of emergency – a dangerous precedent. Although U.S. presidents have declared since the adoption of the emergency act 1976 so far, 58 emergencies, but they deal mostly with the imposition of sanctions against other States, and the like. Never before has a President declared a state of emergency, because to him, the Congress denied the funds for a desired project.

media spectacle: Trump the US visited-Mexican border. (10. January 2019, photo: Reuters) Occupations could Trump two statutes which would allow a diversion of Pentagon funds: One of the laws allows the Minister of defense “military construction projects” for the support of the armed forces, the other allows for “the construction, operation, maintenance and repair of authorized civil Works”.

Elegant way for Trump and the Democrats

in fact, the proclamation of a state of emergency would be a reasonably elegant solution to the Washington government crisis: The business of government could be included, with the consent of the Congress immediately, Trump as the Democrats claim they are not buckled.

the Outcry over the abuse of power of the President would be accompanied by the realization that from Trumps wall will be for years to nothing. This is because, on the proclamation of a state of emergency a long battle before various courts followed: Not only the Democrats were immediately in front of the judges, but also numerous land owners on the border would have to worry about expropriation.

Probably the choice to pass by the year 2020, without a wall or a steel fence between Mexico and the United States separated. Donald Trump would have a new election issue, he could promise the construction of a wall – however, during a second term of office, he receives perhaps.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 11.01.2019, 06:05 PM