Bizarre, You can never know for sure who you have on the internet: that has a woman from the American state of Oklahoma the opportunity to experience real. During a conversation on an online datingplatform scooped them all) about a deer that they had shot down – something that in the state at that time was forbidden. A day later, she was already a hefty penalty to pay. Her correspondent proved namely the forester.

In december got the 24-year-old Cannon Harrison a message from a woman on datingapp Bumble. Harrison is a ‘game warden’ in Oklahoma: in his job description includes, among other things, the detection and prosecution of poachers. And so was his astonishment great when the wife immediately began to boast of an “old whopper of a deer” that she had recently shot. the

“to be Honest, I first thought it was someone that made me grind wanted to take, because they knew who I was,” he told The Washington Post. “It seemed too good to be true.” And so he decided the game just to play it.

also Read Hunter shoots trained parrot out of the sky “purely for pleasure” Spotlighting

Hell yeah , you have ‘em with a bow shot?” he asked the woman. In december, it was after all still allowed to hunt deer with bow and arrow. The season to shoot them with a gun, however, was already behind the back. the

When the wife is the question dodged, he tried it in a different way. He asked if they might be “spotlighting” did, a technique in which hunters with a bright light in the eyes of the animal seem, so many animals freeze. The practice is illegal. Nevertheless, the woman answered in the affirmative. the

Then, she explained that the deer on her own ranch doodschoot, and distributed to his question even some photos of her ‘hunting trophy’. On one of the images is to see how she crouches down behind the deer, while they are the head of the antlers up. Another photo shows the cut off head of the animal in the back of her car.


How the conversation then has moved on, is not clear. It is certain that the woman as soon as her mistake was pointed out. The ranger could get her identity namely easy to find out via social media. The next day she was at home face with some of his colleagues. According to Us media she will get no prison sentence, but she must have had a hefty fine of $ 2,400 (a little more than 2,000 euros) to pay.

Warning: the following photos may be shocking happened.