US President, Trump calls for almost six billion dollars for a border wall to Mexico because there was a humanitarian crisis and terrorists into the country flocked. The allegations in the fact check.

The construction of a wall on the border to Mexico is one of the most important was the election promise by US President Donald Trump. In order to get the necessary budget, he emphasizes again and again, the situation on the border with Mexico was “a national emergency, a tremendous crisis”.

the number of illegal immigrants from Mexico and Central America is on the decline. In the year 2000, 1.6 million illegal immigrants were picked up – four Times as many as last year.

Illegal immigrants commit less crimes than US citizens

illegally into the country settled immigrants are also not so criminal as Trump claims.

The most high-profile crimes, of which Trump is reported often, are more likely to be cases of tragic individual. Statistically, Immigrants less crime to commit illegal as a US citizen.

Six instead of 4000 terrorist suspects entered the country

Dramatically Trumps exaggerated statement, there are thousands of terrorists coming across the Mexican border into the country – a false claim, which also Trumps spokeswoman Sarah Sanders repeated.

Not about the alleged “4000 terrorists”, but just six terror suspects were in the first half of 2018. Significantly more suspected terrorists travel by plane in the United States.

A train of migrants from Central America had tried in November, the border to the United States to break through and it was with tear gas, been beaten.

– Mexico border as a drug-gateway

in Contrast, the US President is right when he complains about the amount of illegal drugs flowing through Mexico to the United States. “Our southern border is a Pipeline for huge amounts of illegal drugs, including Crystal Meth, Heroin, cocaine and Fentanyl,” he said in the past.

Approximately 90 percent of all illegal drugs in the U.S. are smuggled across the Mexican border.

However, experts Trumps wall feel is inappropriate, the drugs curb glut. Because a lot of the drugs come with Cars and Trucks through normal border crossings, hidden among other Goods, or in secret compartments in the car.