What Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Mohamed Salah and all the other names on the football courts fool, to the Swiss doctor’s offices. The Stars have contributed to the fact that the football has become over the years, getting faster and harder. Not only on the international, professional level, but also in the Swiss Amateur and Junior teams, which emulate the role models. With negative consequences for the health of the players, as a recent study by the University of Basel and the Zurich-based social research company Lamprecht and trunk now.

Therefore, increased from 2004 to 2015, the number of violations that had to be treated by a physician, in the case of football play by 20 per cent, in the case of training, by as much as 37.5 percent. A remarkable increase is remarkable, especially against the Background that since 2004, the ambitious prevention programmes of the Swiss football Association SFV and Suva. “Prevention could not prevent the increase, but probably the brakes,” says Angela Gebert, a sports scientist and first author of the study, which appeared by the end of 2018 in the journal “Swiss Medical Weekly”. But she adds: “The programmes are implemented in many Clubs.”

A quarter of unite more injuries for Fouls

on behalf of the Suva, the researchers in the years 2004, 2008 and 2015 respondents by telephone in each case approximately 1000 coaches of Amateur football. With a defined questionnaire they investigated the injury during training and Games in the last four weeks. Have been involved in teams of 2. to 5. Amateur leagues, senior leagues, starting 30 years, as well as juniors from the age of 14. Juniors accounted for around 40 per cent of all respondents. Also the female Football player were part of the study.

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When Playing games, the injuries were mainly due to direct body contact, by almost 20 percent. The number of Fouls with injury a result of decreased first, increased then, but from 2008, and a quarter was in the last survey higher. At the training, there was a similar increase (22 percent), however, contact causes without an Opponent. The most common Muscle tears, strains, injured ligaments, contusions, effusions of blood were, in particular, on the ankle, thigh and knee. Two of the five injuries, a doctor has been consulted. Each of the fifth to the seventh person Concerned was therefore longer than one month.

“The increase is a consequence of the fact that the football has won a game in the last few years, in General, the intensity and the speed has increased,” says Gebert. Not only during games, but also in the training, in which the increased pace has led to more injuries without physical contact.

Over the entire study period, almost all the parameters studied worsened, even with the injury, the duration and type. However, between 2004 and 2008, improvements – for example, when a foul – repealed in the following years, but again more than. Because the coach had to remind you in the survey to past incidents, sprinkle the values, and not all differences are statistically significant. But the Trend is clear – even in a women’s Amateur football, where the risk of injury, according to the study is only a little lower than that of men.

the author of the Study Angela Gebert sees a need for action: “prevention programs need to be implemented by the coaches better.” At best, it is necessary, and it is still the needs. But it lacks also to Information: “coaches, players and parents should be made aware that violations will have severe consequences and the end of the game of Football can mean.”

Trainer will not find the prevention of good, but to

The focus needs to be placed from the point of view of Gebert also increasingly on older Semester. These are not alone because of age more vulnerable to injuries. Usually you have to train less, but nevertheless play with full commitment. Not enough: “the elderly and veterans to continue the prevention programs at the worst,” said Gebert.

Samuel Huber, campaign Manager soccer in Suva and even Amateur players, confirmed that the game has changed style over the years. “The professionalism has increased in the Amateur football, there will be more to the limit.”

to Him, many appear to strive for: Christiano Ronaldo during the game Roma-Torino in December 2018. Photo: Keystone

try to Suva and the SFV, with your prevention programs the “11+” and “sports Basics” to counteract. You want to reach, especially the coach. You should bring the content in the clubs and with the players to implement. During the coach training and then every two years, in the context of the mandatory training prophylactic measures, such as warm-up, will be discussed to Expand the Training, or General Fitness. Also important is the fair play idea, so Huber. “It’s not about that you take during the game at any cost, risks and injuries.”

Yet unpublished data of researchers to Angela Gebert, however, show that while 85 percent of the coach to find injury prevention is important, but only one out of every five existing programs to implement. “It is difficult to bring the message up in the clubs,” confirms Samuel Huber. “Many years of trainers often have their tried-and-tested methods, and it is difficult because it changes.”

do Not stop because of the risk of injury

The programs and campaigns of Suva and SFV are therefore not superfluous, Huber is convinced that “The number of injuries would otherwise be even higher.” 2019, Suva has launched a new Online football test, with the player to their injury profile based on factors such as Fitness, style of play, Strengths and weaknesses can create. “Injuries, you will never be able to completely prevent,” said Huber. Football is a contact sport with a lot of emotions. “For us it is about minimising the risk.” Because of the risk of injury with the game of Football to stop, Huber, however, is useful.

Also the author of the Study Angela Gebert would like to know your investigation, not as a plea against the Amateur football understood. Parents should not make excuses for their children because of the risk of injury to play Football, also. “Football is healthy and pushes people to move,” she says. This applies particularly to the older semesters. “Would be played, especially in the age of a little less competitive, a lot of injuries.”

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 10.01.2019, 20:49 PM