are as fascinating As Black holes, so difficult is it, to explore it. Naturally, no measurement penetrates the Signal from these gravity monsters, so that their properties can only be determined indirectly. Two things of interest to astronomers: the mass and the Rotation. The former can still be reasonably well estimated on the basis of the characteristics of your sphere of influence, such as mass and velocity distribution of stars near the center of a galaxy. There is thought in most cases, a supermassive black hole can have a few ten thousand up to several billion solar masses. The Rotation of these giants is, however, difficult to determine.

x-ray radiation of a tattered star reveals Details about black hole

the international research team, this is now possible – thanks to a star that was torn apart due to the gravity effect and the debris is a characteristic x-ray radiation is sent out. The Team led by Dheeraj Pasham from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (mit) in Cambridge, in the journal “Science”, as well as on an astronomy conference in Seattle reported.

you were very lucky. Normally doze supermassive Black holes at the centers of galaxies and are track for astronomers hard. You’re just clearly noticeable, if you are a star comes so close that it is torn by the force of attraction. This happens on average only every few tens of thousands of years. However, the consequences of such a “Tidal Disruption Event” are dramatic: The star shreds on heating strongly, so that the matter x – ray and UV radiation emitted. The crumbs are attracted by the strong gravity, part of it flies immediately behind the event horizon and disappears never to be seen again in the Black hole, the Rest circling around it at a close distance.

If the matter is unequally distributed, should send you on your course of radiation like a lighthouse, periodically in all directions, thought Pasham, and began with his Team in the observation data of x-ray telescopes. They focused on an event name ASASSN-14li, a Tidal Disruption Event, the on 22. November 2014 had been registered and almost 300 million light-years away from earth, had taken place. Both in the data of the European x-ray satellite, “XMM-Newton” in which the American satellite “Chandra” and “Swift” found Parsham a strong periodic Signal. The x-ray radiation was about 40 percent stronger than usual, the Pulse reached all 131 seconds of its climax and the Whole thing was observed over more than 450 days.

measurements were only by a rare constellation of possible

on the Basis of the measurement data, the scientists estimated that the mass of the Black hole is likely to be around two million solar masses, says Pasham. The Rotation is more difficult to specify; the value varying, depending on where an observer was and what point he is watching, in order to measure the movement. “A comparison with the earth might help to understand the connections,” adds the researcher. “The event horizon is more than 300 times larger than earth and completes a full rotation takes less than two minutes – compared with the earth requires 24 hours.”

the devil is often in the Detail, as soon as soon Pasham and his Team as they attempted to explain the cause of the periodic signal accurately. They designed the different scenarios, but really only one was able to convince. This requires not only a star that is torn, but still a little star – a White dwarf that is orbiting the Black hole density. According to the researchers, the following happened: The White dwarf turned his laps on a track that was just far enough away that he plunged into the Dark. However, the White dwarf would emit enough radiation to be discovered. For telescopes in the vicinity of earth, he remained hidden, as well as the Black hole, he circumnavigated. Until, finally, a second star in the vicinity shows up, and the gravity case, so close that he will be torn to shreds, and the hot fragments to Shine in a bright x-ray light. Some of the debris falls into the hole, a remnant remains on the stable orbit, where the White dwarf making the rounds. He collects the fragments, the hot as a coat, a radiant place particles on his body. So the circle is marked at the end of the White dwarf for x-ray telescopes, registering his fly-all of 131 seconds. If you keep in mind how rare such a constellation is, and that this persists only for a few Hundred years, they would have had the great good fortune to make these measurements, the authors emphasize.

statistical methods could be traced the origin and development of black holes

in fact, only a few dozen of these Tidal Disruption Events have been recorded at all, adds Andrea Merloni, a researcher at the Max-Planck-Institute for extraterrestrial physics (MPE) in Garching, to Black holes and the current study is not involved. However, you have understood well how these events can detect, and have designed appropriate monitoring programs. Merloni, for example, is involved in the German x-ray telescope, “eROSITA”, in April, and the sky for x-ray sources by patterns.

“I hope that we will discover many of such Tidal Disruption Events,” says the astrophysicist. Should confirm that these are the most common cause for the periodic x-ray signals in the vicinity of super massive Black holes, would be the most promising of Pashams Team described method the lot to determine the mass and Rotation of these cosmic objects, in hopes of Merloni: “If we know these parameters for a large number of Black holes in the centers of galaxies, we can understand the use of statistical methods, their origin and their development over time.”

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Otto Wöhrbach

news about the “small” Relatives of the super-massive Black holes, stellar Black holes, researchers in the journal “Nature”: The gas-rich Region around them is small, when you “eat”. The measurements of x-ray point radiation.