“Mothers are no longer spectators,”

“”The Wife”– from ”våp” to the winner”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“When Joe Castleman in the stunning opening scene of The film “The Wife” will receive notification that he won the Nobel prize in literature so he is jumping up and down in the bed. “I have won the Nobel prize! I have won the Nobel prize!”. “

“His wife, Joan, played by Glenn Close, is more restrained in celebration. Anything dampen her joy. First, you have to wonder of Joan, of her strange envy, but as the film progresses one begins to understand their relations peculiar dynamics. Her skrivardrömmar, his notorious infidelity, and the need of confirmation.nMen when Glenn Close received a Golden Globe for his masterful interpretation of the role, there was another woman who came into focus. Her mother, Bettine Moore Close.”

“I’ll stay in here””

“Glenn Close describes on expanding the press conference was a woman who married young, had children at an early age and never engaged in higher studies. Her husband, Glenn Close’s dad was a surgeon. But maybe it was from the mother that Glenn Close got their creative side. “She was a talented artist,” she says. “My mother always said about his marriage: ‘I gave a promise, I’ll stay in here’, but I can’t say that it was enough for her.”nwhen Bettine Moore Close was older she said to her daughter: “It feels like I haven’t accomplished anything.” Glenn Close rushed to contradict her. No, no, she had always been a fantastic mother, a wonderful, supportive spouse. “But I understood what she meant,” says Glenn Close.n“The Wife” came up with the improbable timing, the very year when the Swedish Academy has not appointed any nobel prize winners in literature. The film thus has drawn extra attention to the scandal in the Academy, to Metoo-the movement, to the abuse that been silenced down, to the phenomenon of influential men holding each other on the back.”

“But the success of svenskregisserade and svenskklippta – “The Wife” raises an equally important kvinnoöde: it never was. All of the women who stood in the background, as a halt in the middle of the step of the woman’s traditional role, of class, of economy, of expectations or the lack thereof, and not the least of pregnancies.”

““Nidbilden by a woman who studied was either that she was a våp reading to find a man or a manly nucka that was not as intelligent as a man” describes the Universitetskanslersämbetets site women’s 1960s on institutions of higher education. Each step for women into the male-dominated room has been a struggle, it applies to everything from higher education, professional work, leadership roles, cultural assignments and the practice of sports, to the entry in the policy. It is easy to forget how a short time a lot has happened.”

“But than hitting the women in the glass ceiling, the old smoky image of what roles women are capable of.night see a touched Glenn Close dedicate his Golden Globe statuette to his mother is to be reminded of all the goals, discoveries, creations, journeys that never was. And all those who are waiting.”