on Wednesday, it became known that Amazon boss Jeff Bezos (54) and Mackenzie Bezos (48) each goes to his after 25 years as husband and wife.

We want to do a development in our lives known. As our family and our close friends know, we have, after a long period of prøveseparasjon, decided to part and continue our shared life as friends, wrote Jeff on Twitter.

Mackenzie Bezos has stood by her husband’s side ever since he began to lay the building blocks for their multi-billion dollar empire. Just the fact that she has stood by her husband’s side as he has worked his way all the way up to be considered as the world’s richest man, is a central point.

May be the world’s richest woman the World’s richest man divorce

if the married couple share the wealth equally, will Mackenzie Bezos be left with nearly 70 billion dollars, which will make her the world’s richest woman, according to the Hour.

It will also cause the Microsoft-founder Bill Gates, with their 92,5 billion again, is considered the world’s richest man.

Amazon has lived in the state of Washington, where the couple has a home. In Washington the law says that all property and debt acquired during the marriage “will be divided equally by the court if the couple cannot framforhandle an agreement”. This is if the two do not have a ektepakt.

– the Assets they have acquired during the marriage is community property, ” says familieadvokat Jennifer Payseno to CNBC.

But several experts believe that it is unlikely that the public will get particular insight into how the couple parts the billion. They have so far not applied for a divorce in Washington.

In all there, they will want to keep this private. Especially since this is about a public company, so they will prevent that information from leaking out as it can affect the aksjeprisene, ” says Jacqueline Newman, skilsmisseadvokat at Berkman Bottger Newman & Rowed, according to news agency AP.

Can buy out his fraskilte wife

Reuters writes that Mackenzie Bezos does not own any shares in Amazon directly, while Jeff Bezos owns 16.1 per cent of the company shares. The shares are valued at 130 billion dollars, while Forbes Magazine estimates that Bezos is now good for 137,1 financial billion dollars to together.

It means that large parts of the fortune is tied up in the company. The solution for this may be that Jeff Bezos buys out his fraskilte wife, or that she secures for himself shares.

If she trusts that he runs Amazon on a good way, so he can either pay her for her share of the shares, or they can enter in a more complicated deal in which she retains the shares and he still has the right to vote, ” says ekteskapsadvokaten Liat Sadler to Reuters.

And just because so much of their fortune is tied up in shares, both parties have the interest of it being a business-like divorce.

– They have a common interest in making sure that no worry about the ship taking in water. You must filter their public comments through the linsa, ” says skilsmisseadvokat. Michael Stutman at Stutman, Stutman & Liechtenstein.

Jeff Bezos’ cold shower of reality to the employees: – Amazon will go bankrupt

Their public statements have so far signaled that the two go their as good friends, without any unresolved between them. It makes the experts think that it is very likely that the two have already come to an agreement on how to share their assets.

About the entire story is related to Amazon. In this case, I know, of course, not what I’ll think of something in this size, but I see his as a friend is going to get a proportion of the shares in Amazon. So this will change ownership in the Amazon, says Jordan Neyland, assistant professor at George Mason University. Neyland has written about similar divorces.

No concern for the Amazon

But those who should worry about how it will go with Amazon in the wake of the divorce, can take it with tranquility, believes David Larcker, professor at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business.

He wrote in 2013 a research report on how the chief direktørers divorces can affect shareholders.

He found that ceos who have to give up part of his fortune during a divorce, can develop a risk aversion. They see wealth shrink, which may make them less willing to invest in risky innovation. But it will not be the case for Amazon and Bezos, believes Larcker.

– If you have someone who is worth 10 million dollars, and they give half to either the husband or the wife, so will their net worth shrink to five million. In such a setting, if you think you are taking a lower risk if you have less money, then it may cause you to take your decisions with lower risk. But in this case it will probably not go like that. These numbers are mind-boggling for you and me, ” says Larcker.

Fell for the laughter,

Jeff and Mackenzie Bexos were first introduced to each other when they both worked at the investment company D. E. Shaw in New York at the beginning of the 90’s. The face of Vogue told MacKenzie that she fell for by the husband, was laughing his.

She was thus the first step and asked him out on lunch. From there went things quickly. After three months they were dating, and after six months they had married. According to Time delivered both of their dismissals by the above company in 1994, and moved to Seattle to found Amazon.

The former couple have four children together, and own five luxury homes spread throughout the united STATES, among other things, in Beverly Hills, Washington and Manhattan, according to Business Insider.

According to CNBC is the residence in Washington in a very exclusive area, where among others, Michelle and Barack Obama, and Ivanka Trump are their neighbors.

the World’s richest: Such are the “unknown” couple’s secret luksusliv